Hi Jim,

On 10/31/2018 7:12 PM, Halaasz Saandor wrote:
2018/10/31 15:15 ... Jim:
Given the following bug report, what I am trying to do does not sound


Any thoughts or do I need to accept that what I'm attempting just
isn't going to work?

 From the same bug report, id=90994:

[24 Oct 20:17] Brad Jackson

Version 8.0.13 was released on 10/22 and the change list says:

"Support for MySQL 5.5 by MySQL Workbench 8.0 was removed. If you still
need to use MySQL Workbench on a MySQL 5.5 server, you can use MySQL
Workbench 6.3"

I guess we're all stuck on the old version until we upgrade our servers.

Halaasz is on the right track.

As a client (which is what a replication slave really is), MySQL 8.0 doesn't know how to login to a 5.1 server. Those old handshakes have been retired.

We only maintain connection compatibility with the "previous version" which, relative to 8.0, is 5.7 . Older versions may work, but it isn't guaranteed.

You could, potentially, set up replication chain like this....
5.1 -> (is a master of) 5.5 -> 5.6 -> 5.7 -> 8.0

But then you would need to worry if your table definitions (we have deprecated and removed some data types since 5.1 was the "current version") are even legal in 8.0. Other language features, like command syntaxes, also evolve over time.

There's a lot of deprecation history you will need to worry about. Something that is legal to replicate from 5.1 -> 5.5 may no longer be legal between 5.5 and 5.6 because 5.5 may have been the last version for which that feature was supported. You may be better off with a lift-and-shift upgrade to try to establish a copy of your non-system tables and other objects (like stored procedures or views) in an empty initialized 8.0 server. Then you can use a set of 8.0 CREATE USER and GRANT commands (you can't use naked GRANT commands to create accounts any longer. That feature was deprecated and removed in earlier versions) to populate your 8.0 server with user accounts.

Once you reach that stage, you are ready to start testing copies of your applications against 8.0 to see what else will need to be updated (such as the library you use to connect to MySQL). Moving from 5.1 to 8.0 is a big shift, you potentially have a lot of work ahead of you.


Shawn Green
MySQL Senior Principal Technical Support Engineer
Oracle USA, Inc. - Integrated Cloud Applications & Platform Services
Office: Blountville, TN

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