Radhika schrieb:
 I want to add new plug in for monitoring cisco memory from this link
i have downloaded the plugin and i have copied in /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ folder and now i need to define the command and services defined from the following link
is it correct or i need to do anyother thing.
Please give me the full steps to add a new plugin for my nagios
Thanks for your time

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Hello Radhika,

here is your wished full step for your personal Enviroment:

open your commands.cfg File with an editor of your choice, you can take vi, vim, joe, pico or something similar
after you done this, go to the end of the file and make sure, that you're in the edit mode to add a few lines to your file.

Now please do not copy and paste from your second link but ensure that you type every single letter as it from the second link like this:

define command {
command_name check_snmp_mem
command_line $USER1$/check_snmp_mem.pl -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -C $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ $ARG4$
# comment Community, warn, crit, options (-I cisco)

After you have done this go to the fourth line of your new text and change exactly the string "<COMMUNITY>" (without the "") with the snmp readonly community string which you are using on your cisco device. (Look in your config for lines like "snmp-server community SOMETHING" <<<< this should be your Community String.

Now, save the file back to disk, run your nagios with the sanity check like: "/usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg".
In the output of this command be sure that it tolds you something like "0 errors", warnings are less critical, but there should NOT be any error!!!

If you got an error, read the Nagios Documentation and try to catch your fault. If there are NO ERROR just restart your nagios and see what's happend...

Oh! Nothing happens? Realy?
Just go with an editor to your service configuration File and add a service, like you do as usual, read the nagios documentation if you are asking yourself what a service is....
Some hints:

define service {
    name Cisco_memory
    service_description Cisco memory
    check_command check_snmp_mem!<COMMUNITY>!95!99!-I
    register 0

So, end with kidding.
But I am asking myself why you are in the thought, that other peoples are knowing your enviroment such your snmp community and so on.

This link (http://www.manubulon.com/nagios/snmp_mem.html) there is an example output from the plugin with -h (<<< stands for HELP) with the instructions what data the plugin needs to run.

For everything else like "How to define services and check commands..", let me tell you. If your eyes are not lazy enough to read the mailing lists posts and if you have enough time to wait until someone else find enough time to reply to your post... just read the nagios documentation!


Or for other nagios versions like 2.x:


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