Hi all,

concerned by security, i tried to insert the snmp community name for read access inside resources.cfg (with permissions 600 on it) in macro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It didn't work at all, now all nagios is RED sending alerts. Although, It is said in resource.cfg that USER3 is for storing some usernames and passwords (hidden from the CGIs)
(hidden from the CGIs) maybe that's where the issue began

Actually what i did is to use this macro inside my checks as follows :

In checkcommands.cfg  :

# 'check_printerstatus' command definiton
define command{
        command_name    check_printerstatus
        command_line    $USER1$/check_snmp -H $ARG1$ -o $ARG2$ -s $ARG3$ -C $USER3$
-C stands for Community
-H hostname
-o snmp OID
-s string

In services.cfg :

check_command                   check_printerstatus!!iso.!'"Ready - Select Features to scan your job."'

But it's a nightmare everything's RED even the check_ping, check_host_alive. Can you help please !!

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