Using nagios 2.0b3 and have the following host and related service

define host{
 use                            vip.template
 host_name                      ProdSystem
 alias                          Prod
 hostgroups                     Production
 check_command                  check-dummy!0!"See Service Detail for Status 

define service{
        use                             vip.template
        host_name                       ProdSystem
        service_description             test_client
        is_volatile                     0
        check_period                    Off_Peak
        max_check_attempts              3
        normal_check_interval           1500
        retry_check_interval            20
        notification_interval           0
        check_command                   test_client!!9999!35

test_client is a simple script that tests the connectivity of the custom
service that at listening at  It is set to timeout and fail
at 35 seconds.  

interval_length is set to 1, therefore normal_check_interval=1500 should
be 1500s=25m and retry_check_interval=20 should be 20s.  However last
night test_client failed and gave initial notification of state CRITICAL
at 00:37:21.  Manually testing by me immediately after receiving this
notification showed that the service was indeed back up therefore I am
almost 100% certain that subsequent test_client checks by nagios would
have succeeded.  However, I did not receive an RECOVERY alert until
01:26:46, which is almost exactly 50 minutes after the initial CRITICAL

Also, I have another test for a similar service with identical
parameters, and in that case it didn't send a RECOVERY alert until
almost exactly 75 minutes after the CRITICAL alert.

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