> Thanks for the info,


 > Great that it can be done with the NSClient++ as I have it installed
on all our servers.


 > What do I need to define in the NSClient++ agent and where ?

 > Is it in the .ini file or elsewhere ? 


The only thing you need to do on the Windows server is enable the
CheckEventLog.dll by removing the semicolon from that line in the
nsc.ini file.







From: Frater, Greg J [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: maandag 2 juni 2008 21:41
To: Tim Van Caeyzeele
Cc: nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] Monitoring Windows Eventviewer


>Dear All, 

>Would anyone have experience in checking the windows eventviewer for
certain events, or turning nagios red in case of ERRORs ?

>What script are you using ? preferably something that can simply
interact with NSClient 

We do this using the NSClient++ agent (www.nsclient.org
<file:///\\www.nsclient.org> ).  It checks the event logs and filters
them based on criteria you define, alerting when the number of hits you
specify is reached (i.e. when the system log has 1 or more events with
an ID of XXXX within the last 10 minutes send alerts).  Here is an
example we use to monitor for a specific Oracle error.  In the example
we check the "application" log of the server every "60" minutes for
events with an ID of "20" with event type of "Error" containing a string
in the text of the message "Can not allocate log", check turns critical
after 1 matching event is found that is time stamped within the last
"65" minutes.


define command{ 
        command_name    check_eventlogs 
        command_line    $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 5666 -c
checkEventLog -a filter=new $ARG1$ MaxWarn=$ARG2$ MaxCrit=$ARG3$
filter-generated=\$ARG4$ $ARG5$ truncate=$ARG6$

# Desc: 
#       $ARG1$ = event logs to check (i.e. file=system file=application)

#       $ARG2$ = Warning level (i.e. number of hits to generate a
warning response) 
#       $ARG3$ = Critical level (i.e. number of hits to generate a
critcal response) 
#       $ARG4$ = Time period (i.e. 1 day is '1d' 30 hours is '>30h') 
#       $ARG5$ = Filters (i.e. filter-eventID==9009
filter-eventSource=Tcpip) see
<http://www.nsclient.org/nscp/wiki/CheckEventLog/CheckEventLog>  for
detailed info

#       $ARG6$ = Amount of data to return in characters (i.e.
#       Example: check_nrpe -H server_name_here -p 5666 -c checkEventLog
-a filter=new file=system MaxWarn=1 MaxCrit=1 filter-generated=\>30h
filter+eventID==10002 descriptions truncate=138


define service{ 
        use                             standard-srv 
        service_description             eventlog: Oracle archive log
filter+eventType==error filter+message=substr:"Can not allocate log"!100

        normal_check_interval           60 
        notification_options            w,c 
        contact_groups                  apps 
        host_name                       server1, server2 




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