Hi James,

Good news. I followed your advice and read some more about the definitions.  
But the thing that really helped was twofold:  One was there was no reference 
to a global service template.  The other thing was adding the contact for the 
service definition.  There's a lot to this thing!

Many thanks for staying the course!

----- Original Message ----
From: "jmose...@corp.xanadoo.com" <jmose...@corp.xanadoo.com>
To: Grant Lowe <gl...@sbcglobal.net>
Cc: nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 9:21:03 AM
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] Elevated alerts

Grant, you've got me really confused now.  For starters, I would strongly
encourage you to go back and read the documentation on object defitions.
It may be that by default notifications are enabled and that notification
options are also set to something as default.

With that said, since it appears the service definition below doesn't
contain a reference to a global service template,  I don't see where you
have told the 'check remote zombie processes' service who to send alerts
to.  You either need a contacts or contacts_group argument to define who
the service should send alerts to, something like:

contacts    glowe1

How are your other service definitions setup?  If somehow email is working
for the 'email' contact, but not for the 'paging' contact, then the contact
macro you have set up as definied by the contact-by-pager definition is
most likely the culprit.  You're going to have to start with a known
working contact macro and edit it until you get it working.  Start by
sending both critical and warning alerts to the working contact., then
create new contacts with different alert options making sure you add those
contacts to the contacts definition of the service definition.

Lastly, have you verified your config?

nagios -v /<path>/<to>/nagios.cfg

This will tell you if your config is generally OK.

James Moseley

             Grant Lowe                                                    
             net>                                                       To 
             01/12/2009 10:55                                           cc 
             AM                        nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net  
                                       Re: [Nagios-users] Elevated alerts  


I thought I was trying to make this config as simple as possible.  I'm only
monitoring five UNIX boxes right now.  Hopefully going to expand that soon
with Nagios :->

The hosts I'm monitoring didn't have any notification options, but they do
now.  All six.  This is what I have for the zombie processes:

define service{
host_name                       blarney,frogmore,katz,dunvegan,redfort
hostgroup_name                  solaris-servers
service_description             Check Remote Zombie Processes
check_command                   check_nrpe!check_zombie_procs
max_check_attempts              5
notification_interval           60
check_period                    24x7
notification_options            w,u,c,r,f,s

I don't have services disabled or enabled right now in any of the related
service definitions (like the one above).  Do I need to explicitly turn
them on?  I thought they were already on, considering I'm getting
notifications already through email.  Please advise.  Thanks.

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