I think the .htaccess files will be ignored, your directory stanza:

> Directory "/usr/local/nagios/sbin" 


> AllowOverride None  

Having said that, it should work -- does the apache error log show
anything? What are 
the permissions on /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users  ?


In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?

Paul Weaver    
Systems Development Engineer
News Production Facilities, BBC News


        From: Khairuzzamri [mailto:k_za...@kannal.com.my] 
        Sent: 21 January 2009 15:18
        To: Nagios Users Mailinglist
        Subject: [Nagios-users] Still cannot access nagios page
        Hi everyone,
        I'm still stuck at the authentication popup. I cannot login as
even if I'm providing the correct username and password the
authentication popup will still reappear.
        I have done:
        1. 'make install-init' 
        2. have copy '/etc/httpd/conf.d/nagios.conf' content into
           nagios.conf content:
                         ScriptAlias /nagios/cgi-bin
                          <Directory "/usr/local/nagios/sbin">  
                            #  SSLRequireSSL  
                            Options ExecCGI  
                            AllowOverride None  
                            Order allow,deny  
                            Allow from all  
                            #  Order deny,allow  
                            #  Deny from all  
                            #  Allow from  
                            AuthName "Nagios Access"  
                            AuthType Basic  
                            Require valid-user  
                        Alias /nagios "/usr/local/nagios/share"  
                         <Directory "/usr/local/nagios/share">  
                           #  SSLRequireSSL  
                           Options None  
                           AllowOverride None  
                           Order allow,deny  
                           Allow from all  
                           #  Order deny,allow  
                           #  Deny from all      
                           #  Allow from  
                           AuthName "Nagios Access"  
                           AuthType Basic  
                           Require valid-user  
        3. create 2 .htaccess file in both '/usr/local/nagios/sbin' and
           .htaccess content:
                           AuthName "Nagios Access"
                           AuthType Basic
                           require valid-user  
        I'm using Redhat 9 as O/S, nagios 3.0.3.tar.gz and
        Please help identify my problem. Any suggestion is highly
        Thanks & regards.

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