On Jan 29, 2009, at 5:38 AM, Edwin Zoeller wrote:

> I hope someone can help and explain this to me. I am trying to use one
> of three plugins for Nagios to check disk space on a Linux file  
> system.
> When I plug in values that I thinks would work, I don't understand  
> what
> its telling me. Can someone shed some lite. I am used to the plugins  
> on
> Solaris which you can set up a percentage, much easier.

I'm test driving three cars. Can you tell me the difference between  
them? You should tell us what plugins you're using and provide example  
output to be interpreted. There are many disk check plugins all with  
different output. I'm also not sure why you need different plugins  
between solaris and linux? Is there a reason?

Also, please do not create a new subject by responding to someone  
else's post (Chris's check_snmp_storage.pl question). Create a new  
message to the list.

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