On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 3:31 AM, Terry <td3...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a medium-sized installation (>10,000) services) in a manged
> services/data center environment.   I am curious how others in these
> types of multi-tenant environments organize their configuration files.
>  There are multiple things to consider:
> - templates
> - cfg_dirs
> - grouping
> I am considering cfg_dirs in this fashion:
> /etc/nagios/objects/hosts/customer.cfg
> /etc/nagios/objects/services/customer/host.cfg
> I am considering templates in this fashion:
> /etc/nagios/objects/services/templates/sql.cfg  (will contain
> microsoft sql type services)
> This template will look like this:
> define service{
>        use                             standard-server
>        hostgroup_name                  sql
>        service_description             microsoft sql server service
>        check_command                   check_nrpe_win_service_mssql
>        }
> Then I can just add hosts to the sql hostgroup to give them this service.
> What am I missing?  What do others do that might make my life easier?

Sounds a lot like what I use... I also use host-templates for example:

define host{
                use               solaris,dns,an-other-app

the solaris host-template applies standard checks like disk, cpu, SMF.
the solaris-10-global template applies checks such as zone-checks

the same can be applies to a windows / rhel template

our rhel and solaris templates actually "use" basic *nix templates too.

this was each hosts config is kept to a minimum. also keeping each host in
its own .cfg file helps eg .../customer1/server-name1.cfg then any host
specific checks (eg url checks) can be added to that one config file too.


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