We make extensive use of hostgroups for templating.


We define a "OS" hostgroup.  A simple example would be "Windows" or "Linux" 
host groups where we monitor CPU/Load, Root/C disk space, and memory.  The 
Windows group has EventLog & RDP checks, while Linux groups will monitor the 
SSH port.


Then we use nested groups for something like "DB Servers" (dbservers.cfg) where 
we have the parent group defined and the subgroups of "MSSQL" and "MYSQL" 
hostgroups.  Then each smaller group has a few common checks we run such as 
base TCP Ports and even simple test queries against the default databases.


Ironically we had very view checks to the actual host.cfg files, but add most 
individual one-off "role" checks to the group file.  

Mat W. - http://www.techadre.com


Date: Tue, 8 Dec 2009 07:36:47 -0500
From: gmar...@gmartin.org
To: patrick.mor...@hp.com; nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] need expert advice/suggestions

On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 4:29 PM, <patrick.mor...@hp.com> wrote:

Hi Taylor!

For what it's worth, Nagios *does* support this.  We routinely use
templates which assign a hostgroup to a host, and that hostgroup will
have a set of standard check for that type of host assigned to it.  When
a new host gets added, all it takes is a "use some_host_template" and
all the standard services we run on that type of host just show up.
Patrick, can you explain this a bit further or point me towards another post 
that does the same.  Sounds like an interesting feature I want to explore.



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