Actually, there are four states reported by plugins: OK, WARNING, CRITICAL and 
UNKNOWN. Services will have the same four states.

There are also three states that hosts can have: UP, DOWN, UNREACHABLE. UP, 
DOWN and unreachable depends on the state reported by the plugin, as well as 
the state of parents.

HARD and SOFT states are separate from all of that. You can have a soft warning 
or a hard warning, and a soft critical or a hard critical.

OK, WARNING, CRITICAL and UNKNOWN are the actual state of whatever you are 
monitoring. The plugins decide which state it is. HARD, SOFT, as well as UP or 
DOWN, are computed by Nagios based on the status reported by the plugins. 
Exactly how Nagios does that is configurable.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason W. [] 
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2010 7:18 PM
Subject: [Nagios-users] Additional states in Nagios

(I've tried Googling for the answer, but there seems to be some ambiguity in 
defining terms - even in the Nagios docs)

I've got Nagios monitoring a bunch of things on our servers and I also have 
events being sent to Nagios via passive checks. This is all useful information 
to us as sysadmins, but there is a difference in criticality, e.g. is is down, 
is it about to go down, or is it purely informational?

The latter is what I am writing about. Currently, there are two "states" we use 
- WARNING and CRITICAL. This is the ambiguous part since the docs refer to 
states as HARD or SOFT, but the plugin API docs refer to WARNING and CRITICAL 
as states. I realize there is also UNKNOWN, but with non-technical people 
occasionally looking at our Nagios, that may lead them astray...

Is there a way to get more states, e.g. INFORMATION?  This would allow one to 
sort by state in the web interface. Currently, we use WARNING for most 
informational messages, so there is a mashup of "Service X is about to die" and 
"Server Y did something you may want to know about"

I am guessing not without hacking the source, but I can dream ;)

Thoughts & comments appreciated - even if it's to say I'm Doing it Wrong.



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