Good morning, or whatever as the case may be...

I have a Nagios 3.2.1install which is showing a problem I'm unsure how 
to troubleshoot further. It's either something simple I'm missing, or a 
deeper, more difficult problem. Or a transient to be perhaps put on a 
shelf until it happens again.

First, the questions:
- Is the notifications log absolute?
    - Meaning, if a notification is shown in this log, it has passed all 
filters (notification options etc) and Nagios believes it was submitted 
to the MTA.

- Is there anywhere besides the MTA's log,status.dat and nagios.log to 
look for clues to mail problems?
- Running on FreeBSD 7.0, using stock sendmail on localhost.
- In general, everything is working fine. 125 hosts, 1600 ish services. 
This system has been up and stable for a few months.

Host and service notifications of all kinds go out properly all the time.

Last night, I had a host go down. Notification got to my cell phone and 
the other contacts it's configured to just fine. This morning, I dealt 
with the problem host and Nagios showed it back up. But no Host up 
notification to any of the configured contacts. The Notifications log 
shows the host up notifications as having been sent. There's nothing in 
/var/log/maillog for the time Nagios says the notifications were sent. 
In status.dat, the record for my cell contact has a 
"last_host_notification" line with the epoch time version of the exact 
second the notification was in theory sent. Host and template records 
included at the bottom of this email. I've included one contact def, but 
there were 4 contacts, using 2 different scripts that should have 
received the notification.

As far as I can see, there is nothing in the host configuration or 
related templates that would keep a host up notification from being sent.

We use custom host-notify scripts which log actions, and again, no 
entries for the specific problem, but lots of other notifications before 
and after. These scripts could be the problem, but I want to rule out 
other issues first.

Thank you for your time,

Tim Palmer

Host config:
define host{
        use             dslam
        alias           Anytown DSLAM

define host{
        name                            dslam          
        use                             generic-host   
        check_period                    24x7           
        check_interval                  5              
        retry_interval                  1              
        max_check_attempts              10             
        check_command                   check_dslam_uptime_snmp
        notification_period             24x7      
        notification_interval           0              
        notification_options            d,u,r          
        contact_groups                  contact1, contact2
        register                        0              

define host{
        name                            generic-host
        notifications_enabled           1        
        event_handler_enabled           1     
        flap_detection_enabled          1      
        failure_prediction_enabled      1    
        process_perf_data               0         
        retain_status_information       1    
        retain_nonstatus_information    1 
        notification_period             24x7    
        register                        0              

define contact{
        contact_name    me_text
        use             text-contact
        alias           me_text
        email           npanxx_lf...@txt.smx.gateway
define contact{
        name                            text-contact
        use                             generic-contact
        service_notification_options    c,r,w
        service_notification_commands   notify-by-textmessage-service
        host_notification_commands      notify-by-textmessage-host
        register                        0
define contact{
        name                            generic-contact
        service_notification_period     24x7
        host_notification_period        24x7
        service_notification_options    c,r
        host_notification_options       d,r
        service_notification_commands   notify-by-email-service
        host_notification_commands      notify-by-email-host
        register                        0

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