On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 8:33 AM, Rajesh Kumar <ras.kuma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All
>    I have installed Nagios Core in my CentOS but not able to configure
> port based check_http. We are using several port in apache-tomcat in remote
> server. We can able to configure default port 80. I have to need to
> configure server port of 8082, 8084 …  could you assist me port based
> configure on nagios. This is my cfg  file of check_http.
> define host{
>         use             linux-server
>         host_name       USSERVER
>         alias           USSERVER
>         address         saas-testing.com
>         }
> define service{
>         use                              generic-service
>         host_name                  USSERVER
>         service_description    HTTP
>         check_command        check_http
>         check_interval            3
>         check_period              24x7
>         retry_interval              2
>         max_check_attempts  2
>         notification_interval   5
>         notification_period      workhours
>         notification_options    w,c,u,r
>         notifications_enabled   1
>         }
> Regards
> B.Rajeshkumar

Your check command definition (which you didn't attach) should look
something like:

define command{
        command_name    check_http
        command_line    $USER1$/check_http -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p $ARG1$

Then the check_command argument in your service definition, if you were
checking port 80, would look like:

check_command        check_http!80

If you want to check other ports, then you'll have to create a different
service for each port you want to check.

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