I have a relatively new client with a vertical nail split on her thumb. She 
said the
split has been there for several years and she's always just had
acrylic and a tip put on. 

The first time I met her was during the holidays. She had stopped into
the salon just to ask what I thought was wrong with her thumb the edges
of the split had turned black.

IMHO, she had something going on and needed either a doctor and/or an anti 
fungal. She opted for the anti fungal. 

Since Christmas she went to another salon for a tip and some acrylic.
But for some reason she keeps coming back to me for the random manicure and 

ANYWAY... she called tonight and wanted to know about having gels put
on. She said two more of her nails on her other hand have started to
split vertically. She said she's just keeping them filed short and they
are not discolored.

At first I just thought maybe the thumb had sustained a trauma at some
point and that was the reason for the split. But now that she has two
more on her other hand I'm wondering if this isn't something else going

AND... if I do end up putting gel on her how do you handle the split
where the skin is coming into contact with the gel? Won't that cause

Any thoughts you might have would be a great help...

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