On Fri, 3 May 2002, Gregory Hicks wrote:

> > money. Today with flat rate access and many people not paying on a per 
> > packet basis it seems to me that the responsibility lies with the end 
> > user to filter properly and or dress that delete key.  I always shut 
> [...snip...]
> The problem with this is that, yes, to the END USER, there is no direct
> cost involved.
> However, in order to maintain the same level of service, the ISP is
> forced to go get a bigger pipe and/or bigger, faster routers and/or
> servers.  (Raises prices a bit per account)

Yes, I've always said that the costs MUST be looked at in the aggregate.
> In all of this, the bozo (well..., 'user' really)

no, 'bozo' is appropriate.

Steve Sobol, CTO (Server Guru, Network Janitor and Head Geek)
JustThe.net LLC, Mentor On The Lake, OH  888.480.4NET   http://JustThe.net
"The Indians are unfolding into the 2002 season like a lethal lawn chair."
  (_News-Herald_ Indians Columnist Jim Ingraham, April 11, 2002)

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