On Fri, 10 May 2002, David Charlap wrote:

> Jim Hickstein wrote:
> > 
> > My customers who reach me (a mail service) from Earthlink dialups
> > are affected by this.  Apparently it's still happening.  I run a
> > listener on another host and port, known only to this (so far)
> > small subset of people, to be able to serve them.  In general, we
> > advise people to use their ISP's relay for outgoing mail, but
> > Earthlink won't let them relay because the sender domain is not
> > one that Earthlink knows about (i.e. is charging them for).
> >  Apparently.
> Something's weird here.
> My home DSL line is Earthlink.  I send out mail through their server
> (specifically through smtp.mindspring.com), and I have my mail client
> cofigured to use my yahoo.com address as the return address.  They don't
> seem to care about the message's sender address as long as it comes from
> an Earthlink link.

Not weird, this is the way most smtps are setup - not to verify sender
address but only allow the ISP's IP addresses. (this is how not to be an
open relay server which spammers use..)


> Is the dial-up any different?
> Now, I do know that I can't send through the Earthlink/Mindspring server
> from outside their network.  But that's not a big deal for me.  When I'm
> away from home, I just use the server of whatever network I'm connected
> to at the time, which has never given me a problem.
> I think Earthlink has an SMTP-AUTH mail server as well.  It's not the
> same one that the default dialups use, however.  I think it's
> smtpauth.earthlink.com, but I haven't actually tried using it.
> -- David

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