On Wednesday, Oct 2, 2002, at 23:21 Canada/Eastern, Ralph Doncaster 

> I would like to restrict access from certain countries to content on my
> network (for security and legal reasons).
> So far the best algorithm I've been able to come up with is a 
> combination
> of reverse DNS and APNIC/ARIN/RIPE whois queries.  I've written a perl
> cgi that checks reverse DNS first, and if there is no gtld country code
> for the reverse mapping, does a whois query and parses the response for
> the address.

If you're in the market for a commercial solution, Ixia do one:


I don't know where they get their data from, how accurate it is, or 
what it costs, but I thought I'd mention that there is at least a way 
to make the problem someone else's by the simple application of money :)


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