Before you started a rant on [EMAIL PROTECTED] about this inconsistent-as
problem on an inet6 route, did you think about posting a polite,
"Please, someone from nlayer, contact me off-list," message; or how
about an email to the inet6 carrier(s) from which you learnt the routes?

It seems to me that you've taken an issue which could've been handled in
a polite manner, and turned it into an nlayer-bashing thread.  You have:

1) encouraged nlayer's peers to depeer them
2) accused nlayer of being spammers
3) forwarded private corrospondence you received from third parties in
response to your original post back to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as well as the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] role account, as if the ARIN staff have nothing
better to do than read your complaint about an AS# they have already
marked as having invalid contact information.

I think I prefer reading about the IRC packet kiddies.  If OseK would
care to lend his unique perspective and considerable insight to this
thread, I would be most grateful.

Jeff S Wheeler

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