Cats and Spiders, Ha !

I was involved with the construction of a radio telescope  in the Spitzbergen 
settlement of Ny
Alesund, Norway (78 degrees 56 minutes north).

Staff were assigned Colt 45 revolvers because the area was frequented by Polar
Bears - up to 400 kilos, able to run faster than a person, and (so I was told) with
an annoying habit of appearing between you and the front door if you went to take out
the garbage. Just about every year they would get a trekker or two.

Reliance Infocomm is installing 80,000 km of fiber in India. I wonder if
they have any tiger stories.


On Sat, 10 Jul 2004 21:44:06 -0700
 "Aaron Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Since we are on the topic of animal encounters related to being 'on the job'... 
> I once worked as a cable installer for the same company I work for today.  I was 
> running a new
> cable outlet for a customer in an
> older farm house in a rural part of our serving area.  This big old farm house had a 
> lot of cats
> at one time or another, as I was
> about to find out.  I entered the crawlspace, which was quite spacious as far as 
> crawl spaces go,
> and the opening was large enough I
> didn't have to bring my flashlight out right away.  As I ventured into the back of 
> the house, I
> started feeling something crunchy,
> yet soft, as I crawled in... I reached to my belt for my flash light and had a 
> look... I was
> smack dab in the middle of anywhere
> between 200 - 400 bird skeletons and feathers. 
> I had a small problem with crawlspaces before then due to a large spider 
> infestation... But guess
> what I think of them now. Can't
> get me inside them unless they are brand new.
> My 2 cents
> Aaron
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Eric Brunner-Williams
> Sent: July 9, 2004 6:29 AM
> To: Deepak Jain
> Cc: Richard Welty; nanog list; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: OT: Re: Critters 
> My first daughter's pet rabbit re-wired my apartment network, power and data.
> At SRI in Menlo Park, the squirrels were always keen for that tasty grey cable 
> whenever it was
> run where they could get it.
> I wish I had a moose-and-cable story. Sorry.

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