Thanks, I'm fully aware of where shim6 is right now.   I'm asking if
anyone feels this is headed anywhere useful or if we got anything else
we can use to facilitate mh.

a shim layer seems like a promising enhancement. ietf-shim6 is taking an approach to a shim layer that will, I suspect, take some time to mature. I'd be surprised if it saw significant deployment anytime within the next 5 years, at the earliest.

(a more ascerbic view would probably suggest that it is not even likely to produce a complete specification within that time, with deployment taking another 5 years...)

the effort is relying on IPv6 and on the disappearance of NATs, for v6. one might consider these to be critical dependencies that are rather risky.



 Dave Crocker
 Brandenburg InternetWorking
 dcrocker  a t ...

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