> > > ... don't believe everything you read on the net.
> > 
> > you had me right up until that last part, which is completely unreasonable.
> I think it's not only reasonable, but is the only sane way to approach 
> content on the net. Why do you feel it's unreasonable? Or are you being 
> sarcastic? (It's impossible to tell) 

i mean it's never going to happen, and is therefore totally unrealistic, and
that any plan with that as a required element is doomed at the outset, and we
had better figure out alternative plans.

you might just as well ask for rivers to flow backwards, or dogs and cats to
live together in harmony, or an educated american electorate, as to ask that
folks stop believing everything they read on the net | see on tv | etc.

are we off-topic yet?

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