On Sun, 15 Apr 2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> As a result, most people consider William Leibzon and the Bogon project
> to be, collectively, the authoritative source for information on whose
> IP address that is. 
If that's the case, all hope has been lost. 

> That's because William and the Bogon project, act authoritative, and
> take some pains to provide comprehensive data. At the same time, IANA
> and the RIRs just keep doing the same old thing as their data and
> systems slowly rot away.

> Why doesn't IANA operate a whois server?
Why should they? What will it produce?

> Why don't they publish a more detailled explanation field in each IANA
> allocation record so that they can explain the precise status of each
> block?
Why should they?

> Why doesn't IANA and the RIRs collectively get off their butts and
> actually make an "authoritative IP address allocation directory" one of
> their goals?
> And why don't they do all this with some 21st century technology?
Why doesn't vwl help by giving ARIN his changelog, if any?


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