Interesting, because we have a whole college attached of 10/100/1000 users,
and they still have a 3:1 ratio of downloading to uploading.  Of course,
that might be because the school is rate-limiting P2P traffic.  That further
confirms that P2P, generally illegal in content, is the source of what I
would call disproportionate ratios.


-----Original Message-----
Mikael Abrahamsson
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008 11:22 AM
To: nanog list
Subject: RE: ISPs slowing P2P traffic...

On Mon, 14 Jan 2008, Frank Bulk wrote:

> In other words, you're denying the reality that people download a 3 to 4
> times more than they upload and penalizing every in trying to attain a
> 1:1 ratio.

That might be your reality.

My reality is that people with 8/1 ADSL download twice as much as they
upload, people with 10/10 upload twice as much as they download.

Mikael Abrahamsson    email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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