Politico photo seems to have been filtered or dropped. 2nd Attempt:


> On Dec 25, 2020, at 2:42 PM, Rodney Joffe <rjo...@centergate.com> wrote:
> It seems to be here:
> https://www.google.com/maps/@36.1645601,-86.7768622,3a,60y,145.84h,88.19t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sqJHVrYi75RWSsuTlBGAg6g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
> Here’s a link to a photo on Politico that matches:
> Note: Hooters sign on left.
>> On Dec 25, 2020, at 2:33 PM, Andy Ringsmuth <a...@andyring.com> wrote:
>> Definitely was not at that intersection.
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nygTJeu9fU
>> That’s security camera footage from about 154 2nd Ave. The AT&T building is 
>> across the street to the right.
>> Commerce Street is a block to the left.
>> ----
>> Andy Ringsmuth
>> 5609 Harding Drive
>> Lincoln, NE 68521-5831
>> (402) 304-0083
>> a...@andyring.com
>> “Better even die free, than to live slaves.” - Frederick Douglas, 1863
>>> On Dec 25, 2020, at 1:26 PM, cosmo <clinton.mie...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> The internet is buzzing with speculation about this. According to CNN the 
>>> RV was at 2nd and Commerce st, which puts it 1-block away from the ATT 
>>> building. If it were the target, I'd imagine they would have parked it 
>>> closer.
>>> https://www.google.com/maps/search/2nd+and+congress+nashville/@36.1631367,-86.776487,18.42z
>>> On Fri, Dec 25, 2020 at 11:20 AM Andy Ringsmuth <a...@andyring.com> wrote:
>>> Certainly thankful no serious injuries or fatalities in this clusterblank.
>>> It seems the AT&T building at 185 2nd Ave N may have been a target, which 
>>> would explain the timing (holiday morning when no one is out, as opposed to 
>>> a holiday evening when there would be mass casualties). A little curious 
>>> what that building has. Is it just a big co-lo place? Regional CLEC/ILEC? 
>>> No earth-shattering revelations here. Admittedly just bored on a slow 
>>> Christmas Day when my wife is at work (nurse) and kid is playing with a new 
>>> tablet and I’m just watching the news trying to understand/figure out a 
>>> little what and why.
>>> ----
>>> Andy Ringsmuth
>>> 5609 Harding Drive
>>> Lincoln, NE 68521-5831
>>> (402) 304-0083
>>> a...@andyring.com
>>> “Better even die free, than to live slaves.” - Frederick Douglas, 1863

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