Fri, Apr 12, 2024 at 08:03:49AM -0500, Mike Hammett:
> I'm looking at the suitability of whitebox routers for high through, low port 
> count, fast BGP performance applications. Power efficiency is important as 
> well. 
> What I've kind of come down to (based on little more than spec sheets) are 
> the EdgeCore AGR400 and the UfiSpace S9600-30DX. They can both accommodate at 
> least three directions of 400G for linking to other parts of my network and 
> then have enough 100G or slower ports to connect to transit, peers, and 
> customers as appropriate. Any other suggestions for platforms similar to 
> those would be appreciated. 

Most of the white boxes are same, in mpov, with small variations.  And
that is the whole idea.

I would choose the NOS you want first.  There are several, but few I would
want in production.  If it is a PoS or unmanageable, it does not matter
what the h/w capabilities are.  Was it created by seasoned engineers in
Internet-scale routing?  And, because each box will require some software
specific to it, though limited in scope, the NOS will dictate which boxes
are available to choose among.

Beyond the hardware capabilities, also consider with whom your NOS mfg
has the best working relationship.  That will dictate their ability to
quickly resolve h/w-specific issues in their s/w or even answer
h/w-specific questions for you.

Also consider what the h/w maintenance program is globally.  Is it
important for you to have 4hr replacements in Hong Kong?  That will
affect your decision greatly.

~1.5yr ago, it seemed like everyone was moving toward UfiSpace h/w,
away from EdgeCore.

Ask others about the reliability of the specific h/w you are considering.

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