In message <>, Patrick Giagnocavo writes:
> Mark Andrews wrote:
> > In message <>, Joe Greco writes:
> >>> That'd be easy if you were just starting up an ISP. What do you do with
> >>> your existing customer base? If their current service includes a
> >>> dynamic public IPv4 address, you can't gracefully take it away, without
> >>> likey violating services T&Cs, government telco regulations etc. So
> >>> you'll have to go through a formal process of getting agreement with
> >>> customers to take them away.
> >> I haven't seen any such documents or regulations.
> > 
> > People purchaced the service on the understanding that they would
> > get a Internet address.  A address behind a NAT is not a Internet
> > address, it's a *shared* Internet address which is a very different
> > thing.
> Given that many ISPs put their sign-up documents, including contracts,
> on-line, you can no doubt supply a link to such a document that has
> legal terms that would preclude NATed service, yes?
> My recollection is only that I would be provided with "Internet service"
> or "access to the Internet" .  No mention of RFC1918 space or other
> distinguishing information was given.
> Note in the below blurb no mention of publicly routable addresses...

It doesn't have to as the normal definition of a Internet address
is a publically routable internet address.  A address behind a NAT
is not a Internet address (Big I Internet).

If you supply something less than a full blown Internet access you
need to point out the restriction otherwise I would expect you to
be subject to "Bait and Switch" and other consumer protection laws.


> Comcast's contract states:
> "Comcast will provide you with dynamic Internet protocol ("IP")
> address(es) as a component of HSI, and these IP address(es) can and do
> change over time. You will not alter, modify, or tamper with dynamic IP
> address(es) assigned to you or any other customer. You agree not to use
> a dynamic domain name server or DNS to associate a host name with the
> dynamic IP address(es) for any commercial purpose. You also agree not to
> use any software that provides for static IP address(es) on or in
> conjunction with any computer(s) or network device connected to HSI. If
> applicable, Comcast will release and/or recover the dynamic IP
> address(es) when the Service or this Agreement is disconnected,
> discontinued, or terminated."
> --Patrick
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET:

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