----- "Owen DeLong" <o...@delong.com> wrote:

> Personally, I think that enforced UNE is the right model. If you sell
> higher level services, you should not be allowed to operate the physical
> plant.  The physical plant operating companies should sell access to the
> physical plant to higher level service providers on an equal footing.

To all intents and purposes what we have in the UK.  BT, the old, formally 
government-owned, then privatised, effective last-mile monopoly, was split up.  
(I believe in return for some more government cash to build infrastructure, but 
I could be wrong on the order of events).

BT OpenReach is now responsible for wires on poles / in the ground, CO space 
etc, and has to sell access to these to other divisions of BT (Wholesale, 
Residential) in the same arms-length way they sell them to other ISPs.  It 
doesn't always work *quite* like that, especially in respect of actually 
getting space and power in COs, but the framework is there...


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