----- Original Message -----
> From: "Leo Bicknell" <bickn...@ufp.org>

> After looking at many models I think Australia might be on to
> something. The model is that a quasi-government monopoly provides
> the last mile physical wire, but is unable to sell services on it.
> Basically they only provide UNE's. Then, at the switching center
> any ISP can pick up those UNE's and provide services. Competition
> to the end user, while the last mile is always a single povider
> limiting the issues above. Many cities are trying the same with
> electric service, one companie provides the transport infrastructure
> and when you select a generation provider.

That's what I've been advocating, what Verizon *really* *REALLY* doesn't 
want to happen (to the point that they've been agitating -- successfully
in some cases -- for state laws to forbid it), and what I think, based on
not a lot of evidence, Google is quietly encouraging with their Big Secret

Last mile fiber *really is* a Natural Monopoly.

And yeah, that's roughly how power competition was handled as well.

-- jra

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