Thank you! 112 Emails on this subject, I am sick of it.

On Sep 20, 2011, at 3:25 PM, Bill P wrote:

> This has deviated so far from a useful technical discussion, it isn't even 
> amusing anymore.
> From
> Our pre-posting guide for messages to the NANOG e-mail list:
>    Does my email have operational/technical content?
>    Would I be interested in reading this email?
> ANSWER: YES, obviously (unless it wasn't me posting it.)  I am also the guy 
> at work who everyone avoids because I am the annoying talker who never shuts 
> up.  I often get confused when people just walk off in the middle of a 
> "conversation" (ie: when I won't shut the hell up and/or let anyone else 
> talk.)
>    Would 10,000 other Internet engineers want to read this?
> NO.
> -bill
> ps.  Those who chime in with a witty comment or yet another opinion just when 
> the thread seems to be slowing down are just as guilty as the ones who keep 
> it doing by writing paragraph after paragraph "refuting" what the others have 
> said.  (When neither side has an inkling of wanting to acquiesce to the other 
> side.)
> ObGodwin: Hitler.
> Can we be done now?

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