Just finished migration from a provider that I was no longer happy with to
a new provider.  Fully expecting them to turn me off the moment I said
'cancel', I prepared everything in advance, moved all the pointers over a
few days prior to my planned day to tell them to 'shutoff', retrieved a
final backup, then used their web billing interface to tell them I wanted
to cancel service.  Much to my surprise, they actually had a selection for
"what date do you want to cancel service on".  I set it to be the next
day.  I had no issues, but I do attribute much of this to "I migrated
services beginning 6 months prior" (when I decided I was not going to
renew... it was a 2 year contract).

Note: Neither provider is local.

As mentioned by others, it is your responsibility to maintain continuity of
service when you move between providers.  The best way I know to ensure
this is to maintain control.  Make sure your new system is up and
configured before discontinuing your old system.

- Eric

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