On Jun 14, 2016, at 11:50 AM, Hugo Slabbert <h...@slabnet.com> wrote:
> On Tue 2016-Jun-14 10:12:10 -0500, Matt Peterson <m...@peterson.org> wrote:
>> This week at NANOG67, a presentation was given early on that did not
>> reflect well for our community at large. Regardless of the content or
>> accuracy of the data presented (not the intention of this thread), specific
>> members of the community (some of which are sponsors) were clearly targeted
>> in a hurtful manner. The delivery of the content did not seem within the
>> spirit of NANOG, but instead a personal opinion piece. While no specific
>> rules of the speaking guidelines
>> <https://www.nanog.org/meetings/presentation/guidelines> were likely
>> broken, this does bring up a point of where the acceptable threshold exists
>> (if at all). To be abundantly clear - I have nothing against the content
>> itself, the presenter, the PC's choice of allowing this talk, etc. - I only
>> wish to clarify if our guidelines need modernization.
>> As a community, how do we provide constructive criticism to industry
>> suppliers (that may also be fellow competitors, members, and/or suppliers)?
>> For example, router vendors are routinely compared without specific names
>> mentioned (say in the case of a unpublished vulnerability) - how is a
>> service provider any different?
> I understand the discretion involved in your question, but could we clarify 
> exactly what presentation is being discussed so those of us who were not 
> present at NANOG67 can also participate in an informed way?

I personally think the meta-question Matt asked is more important than opinions 
on a specific presentation. Plus I worry about devolving into a “that was a 
good preso” / “no it wasn’t!!” flamefest.


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