And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

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Subject: wounded knee/medals of honor?
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I'm forwarding these thought-provoking (being mild) messages below from Bob
EPA honors 1890 Wounded Knee Massacre at Administrator¢s Annual Award Ceremony

On April 12, 1999, Bob Smith (Oneida Tribe) attended the EPA
Administrator¢s Annual Award Ceremony.  The color guard was preparing to
march to the front of the Ronald Reagan Auditorium.  Bob noticed that the
U.S. Army was part of the guard.  After speaking with the Sergeant that
held the standard he did indeed discover that the "Battle Streamer" for
Pine Ridge 1890-1891 which pays honor to the Massacre at Wounded Knee (see
attached), was included.  It should be understood that as an American
Indian and veteran he was profoundly offended to see such an obscene symbol
of injustice displayed at a ceremony of honor.  Bob spoke to the Sergeant
who knew practically nothing of the history of that battle streamer.  They
had just announced that the star-spangled banner was about to be played and
the color guard would advance to the front.  After notifying his
supervisor, he left the auditorium because he could not stand with his hand
over his heart and watch the EPA Administrator and the rest of EPA pay
honor to this same kind of massacre that is currently called ethic
cleansing in Kosovo!

Although, we cannot fault the planners of this event, the lack of respect
can only be attributed to ignorance and absence of sensitivity. The
awarding of medals is a time-honored tradition for Americans to give
deserved recognition as noted in the EPA program "above and beyond" etc.  

By submitting the attached article to Indian Country Today (a national
American Indian newspaper), it is Bob¢s hope to sensitize planners for
future events like this to ethnic sensitivities. 


Definition: Massacre,  butchery 1a) the indiscriminate, merciless killing
of human beings in large numbers b) a large-scale slaughter of animals.

The entire history of the relationships between the Indigenous People
(American Indians) and Europeans has been one of conflict and justifying
various means for separating the Indian from his land.  There were many
times when this justification involved genocide and murder. Such was the
case in South Dakota, at Wounded Knee Creek on December 29th, 1890.
Wounded Knee was the culmination of a series of so called justifiable
actions (massacres) that started as soon as Indigenous people were
discovered living on San Salvador by Columbus.  The Pilgrim set up their
religious "blue laws" and used them to justify the massacre of the Pequots.
Massacres continued when the Five Civilized Tribes resisted being pushed
off their ancestral lands. Massacres continued in the Southwest amongst the
Apache, Pueblo, and where ever the lust for riches and land could not be
satisfied.  The Sand Creek Massacre in 1863 set a new standard for
unspeakable atrocities where Colonel Chevington, when asked why children
and even infants born and unborn were killed, said "nits make lice".

The facts that make the massacre at Wounded Knee different are that: The
Army listed this massacre as a "Battle"; this was the only "massacre" in
the history of the United States of America where the Congressional Medal
of Honor (20) was awarded; text books and noted historians state that: "The
battle of Wounded Knee was the last armed conflict between the Army and the
plains Indian" -the Indians had been disarmed and were "prisoners of war"
when they were gunned down by the Army.

In modern times the treatment of POW¢s is governed by international law.
In 1890, the Army had a code of conduct and regulations governing the
treatment of POW s.  Why then were the bullet riddled bodies of women and
children found scattered as far as three miles from the camp -no doubt they
we shot while attempting to escape. 

The Congressional Medal of Honor is the highest military award for bravery
that can be given to any individual in the United States of America.  In
1918, the law said "that the President is authorized to present, in the
name of the Congress, a Medal of Honor only to each person who, while an
officer or enlisted man of the Army shall hereafter, in action involving
actual conflict  with an enemy, distinguish himself conspicuously by
gallantry and intrepidity at risk of his life above and beyond the call of
duty".  Where was the gallantry and intrepidity when women, children,
including toddlers and infants were shot at point blank range in this
homicidal craze for revenge.  Clearly, this was not heroism, it was
cold-blooded murder!

On April 27, 1916, Congress approved an act which provided for the creation
of a "Medal of Honor Roll" upon which honorably discharged medal recipients
who earned the medal in combat and had attained the age of 65 years were to
be recorded, it provided that for "those who met the definition of valor
above and beyond the call of duty"-to this day the twenty names of the
"Wounded Knee heroes" continue to be listed on the Medal of Honor Roll
along with the names of American Indians that have earned the medal!
The only precedence for striking names from the Medal of Honor Roll
occurred in 1916 per a Congressional Act.  This Act provided for the
appointment of the Secretary of war of a board of five retired general
officers for the purpose of investigating and reporting upon past awards or
issue of the medal of honor by or through the War Department. Between
October 16, 1916, and January 17, 1917, all of the 2,625 Medals of Honor
which had been awarded up to that time were considered by the Board, and on
February 15, 1917, 911 names were stricken from the list. Among those who
lost their medal was William F. Cody, better known as Buffalo Bill, and
Mary Walker, a Civil war surgeon and the only woman ever to receive the honor.

On June 12, 1989,  the Secretary of the Army approved of the restoration of
the Medal of Honor to five civilian scouts, including "Buffalo
Bill",seventy-two years after they were removed from the Medal of Honor
Roll by the special review board.

A letter, received from the Department of the Army stated in part: "In view
of this past precedence, it is recommended that you pursue this matter
through the legislative Branch of our Government.  Perhaps the Senate Armed
Services Committee or your Congressman.  In any event, the Secretary of the
Army cannot have names stricken from the Medal of Honor Roll without
congressional and presidential approval."

Comparisons could be made between the massacres at Wounded Knee-1890 and
the Viet Nam massacre at My Lai-1968,  both were dark skinned native
peoples that were just trying to live on the land given to them by the
Creator, but were regarded by the soldiers killing them as vermin to be
exterminated.  The body counts included entire families including infants.

What happened to the Army officers in command of the soldiers that
committed these massacres?  The answer is; they were forgiven and neither
Colonel Forsyth nor Lieutenant Calley  spent a day in jail.

Colonel Forsyth was under house arrest for 18 months while the Army
conducted an investigation of the massacre and was cleared of all charges.
Taken from a publication entitled "Annual Reunion, June 14th 1910, ¡..for
his disposition of his troops in this affair, General Forsyth was placed in
arrest by the Commanding General of the Military Division of the Missouri,
and afterward brought before a Court of Inquiry.  The finding of the Court
did not meet with the approval of the Commanding General although the Court
was of his own ordering.  What the findings of the Court were the writer
does not know, as he has been unable to obtain a copy of them and only
writes from hearsay, but he understands that they were satisfactory to the
friends of General Forsyth as well as to the Secretary of War."
In the following years he was promoted and attained the rank of Major
General.  In 1892 he established the Cavalry and Light Artillery School for
the Army at Ft. Riley , Kansas, retiring in 1897.  Ft. Riley Kansas is the
site of the U.S. Cavalry Museum. The Director of the museum in a letter
dated 6 October, 1997, wrote: "It should also be remembered that the Indian
used both women and children as a shield while the warriors tried to
annihilate one of the cavalry troops."

Lieutenant Calley, in 1968 was court-martialed and sentenced to life in
prison at hard labor.  President Nixon shamed himself and intervened and
had the sentence reduced to three years under house arrest in his apartment
at Fort Benning with visitation rights for his girlfriend.  So in effect,
he too was exonerated.

In the past few years we have all witnessed the tremendous outpouring of
sympathy and support for the disasters at Lockerbie, Waco and the Oklahoma
City bombing.  The entire nation is still in mourning for these disasters
and artifacts are put on the sites like teddy bears, dolls, and toys of the
deceased children. Many survivors and survivors of victims received and
continue to receive counseling as the nation continues to grieve.

Did America ever grieve for the victims of Wounded Knee or My Lie?.  Did we
ever consider the families of the victims that had to go on after these
massacres?  Was there counseling and teddy bears for the victims of these
insane atrocities?

The media is responsible for much of what we feel as a nation as we watched
the victims of these disasters removed from the rubble.  The Vietnam war
was brought right into the living room of the American Public through live
television.  Because of the media coverage the anti-war protesters no
longer believed the lies the military was feeding us that we were not only
winning the war but doing the right thing.  In 1890 there was no live
television and the news papers believed and printed the lies being feed to

Recently our nation was appalled at massacres that are happening in all
parts of the world and we are launching cruise and tomahawk missiles along
with air strikes to protect civilian populations from this merciless
killing.  During the Kosovo crisis, President Clinton spoke of NATO¢s
intervention and said on national television that: " how would it be if we
just looked the other way while these massacres continued."  He also
mentioned the unfairness of innocent civilians going up against tanks and
other modern weapons.  The paradox is that this Administration and those
since 1779 have looked the other way when Native Peoples were massacred in
our own country! In 1890, there was no NATO to intervene when the army with
modern weapons (the hotchkiss rapid fire cannon) and the rest of the fire
power proceeded to indiscriminately slaughter entire families who were
"prisoners of war".

What happened a Wounded Knee is the epitome of evil. Sovereign Tribal
Governments, Tribal Organizations, Veterans , Senators, Congressmen and the
United States Army have to come together and step forward and draft
legislation to correct this base evil.

 That evil is being perpetuated by the President, Congress and the U.S.
Army by continuing to ignore the evil of having 20 names on the
Congressional Medal of Honor Roll that any decent person knows is wrong.
It is evil for the U.S. Army to proudly display the "Pine Ridge 1890-1891"
battle steamer on the army flags displayed at the Pentagon, White House in
our Nations¢ Capital and it bases throughout the world. We as a people can
no longer look the other way.  


          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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