And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Link supplied by:Wanita Sears <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ruins Under Wal-Mart Site
              Development on Hold After Discovery 

              By Guy Webster
              The Christian Science Monitor
              C O O L I D G E,   Ariz.,   June 8 — The dusty
              parcel of land sits across from an ancient
              Indian ruin, on a former cotton field. 
                   To Wal-Mart executives, it represents a
              prime site for a new retail store in their
              inexorable march across the United States. To
              archaeologists, it contains ruins that will help
              unlock mysteries behind one of the great
              prehistoric cultures of North America. 
                   The fate of the 35-acre parcel in this Arizona
              town points up a growing national dispute over
              treatment of prehistoric sites on private land.
              Certain archaeological sites - those that come
              under federal purview - are protected. But
              private projects on private land are far less
                   “Archaeological sites are being destroyed
              every day,” says Rob Criswell of the
              Archaeological Conservancy. 

              Underground Mystery
              In Coolidge, Wal-Mart put its planned store on
              hold last month after the neighboring Gila River
              Indian Community and the Society of American
              Archaeology raised concerns about what’s under
              the site. They’ve identified 900-year-old ruins
              and likely burials beneath a zone churned by
              decades of farming. “We know for a fact there
              are houses there,” says Keith Kintigh, an
              archaeologist at Arizona State University in
                   Wal-Mart public affairs director Cynthia Lin
              says the Arkansas-based company was unaware
              of the concerns until recently. 
                   The grandest remains of the prehistoric
              Hohokam culture stand across the road, at Casa
              Grande Ruins National Monument. 

              The Space Between Settlements
              The Wal-Mart land sits between the Casa
              Grande ruins and an earlier Hohokam
              settlement, the Grewe site, a half mile east.
              Archaeologists now interpret the combination as
              a continuous population center lasting nearly
              1,000 years. But sometime in the 11th century,
              the Grewe moved. 
                   “Why the village moved and why it rose to
              such greatness are still unexplained puzzles,”
              says Tucson archaeologist David Abbott. The
              Wal-Mart land might provide answers. 
                   Dalton Cole, the farmer who sold the parcel
              for the Wal-Mart store, sold an adjacent 30
              acres to the Archaeological Conservancy. As
              part of the deal, the conservancy promised not
              to oppose the store construction, says Mr. Cole.
              Now, however, Mr. Kintigh’s group is asking
              Wal-Mart to choose another location or provide
              special testing and excavation. The company is
              weighing its options. 

              Copyright 1999 The Christian Science
              Monitor. All rights reserved. This material may
              not be published, broadcast, rewritten or
Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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