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Title: ENVIRONMENT-HEALTH: Native Americans Denounce Toxic Legacy

By Danielle Knight

LAGUNA, New Mexico, Jun 14 (IPS) - Native Americans in the United
States and Canada have inherited a grim legacy of increased rates
of cancer and a ruined environment because of uranium mining on
tribal homelands.

Indigenous communities met on the Laguna Indian Rservation here
last week for the 10th annual conference of the Indigenous
Environment Network against the backdrop of increased mining
activities for uranium used for nuclear reactors -  and weapons.

While one of the poorest areas in the county, the region
surrounding the reservation in the western part of the state of
New  Mexico is one of the richest in uranium ore deposits.

One of the largest open-pit uranium mines in the world, known
as Jackpile operated near a small Laguna town between 1953 and
1982. Originally owned by a small company known as Anaconda,
Jackpile is now owned by Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO).

''They said the mine would make us rich but I'm still poor and
almost everyone around me is dying of cancer and strange
diseases,''  said Dorothy Purley, a woman dying of lymphoma
cancer, who worked for Anaconda Jackpile for 10 years.

In the small town of Paguate, where Purley lives, an estimated
50 people who were miners died from cancer-related illnesses. An
additional 20 people who lived downwind from the mine also died,
she said.

Kathleen Tsosie, secretary of the Eastern Navajo Dine Against
Uranium Mining, an advocacy group based in the north eastern part
of the state, told a similar story.

''There are a lot of Navajo widows who live alone,'' she said.

An estimated 350-400 members of the Navajo nations who were
underground miners have died from diseases related to exposure  to
the radioactive uranium, according to Chris Shuey, an
environmental health  researcher with the Southwest Research and
Information Center.

But not all Native Americans at the conference condemned the
uranium mining.

''I would like to keep the uranium issue on the positive
side,'' said Harry Early, governor of the Laguna Pueblo. ''The
Jackpile mine provided employment for 800 people during its 30
years of existence and we don't know if the cancer has really been
caused by uranium.''

John Redhouse of the Southwest Indigenous Uranium Forum

''The social costs and health impacts outweigh any jobs and
money the goes to Laguna,'' he said. ''Whatever apparent benefits
accrue do  not necessarily go to the communities but to the
multinational energy companies.''

Jackpile currently is undergoing a 48 million dollar
reclamation programme - paid for by ARCO and conducted by the
Laguna tribe -  aimed at restoring the landscape to resemble the
way it appeared before the exploitation began.

Many at the conference said the current reclamation effort was
only partially completed and a lot of the uranium from the mine
waste already had leached into the soil and water.

''Two tributaries near the mine and the Rio San Jose have
already tested positive for radiation contamination,'' according
to Manual  Pino with the Laguna-Acoma Coalition for a Safe
Environment. ''It's one  of the United States' best kept

Purley, who lived less than 1,000 meters from Jackpile said she
was not happy with progress of the reclamation project. ''Every
time the rain  falls there is still this strange smell by the

Many other abandoned mines also continued to leach
contaminants slowly into surrounding areas, Pino added. ''In the
state of Arizona alone more than 1,300 uranium mines have not been
reclaimed,'' he said.

Cindy Gilday of the Dene tribe from the harsh Northwest
Territories of Canada said that uranium mining on their land in
the 1940s  devastated her hometown of Deline, located near Great
Bear Lake - one of the largest on the continent.

During World War II, the Canadian government hired young Dene
men to carry uranium in sacks from the mines onto barges.  The men
had no knowledge of the toxic qualities of their loads.

''Now Deline is a village of widows with most of the men having
died in the 1970s and 1980s from cancer,'' said Gilday. ''It was
the  first time people at Great Bear Lake started to die of lung,
bone,  stomach, brain and skin cancer.''

The early deaths of men in the community had been especially
devastating to Dene culture. ''This is so important because the
elder men are the  traditional spiritual and moral advisors in the
community,'' she said.

''What strikes me is that the stories from New Mexico, Arizona
and Canada are so similar...we are all dying of the same

In the United States, Congress attempted to amend past wrongs
by passing the 1990 Radiation Exposure Compensation Act which
would pay underground mine workers who suffered negative health
impacts. But many participants at the conference said the Act did
not go far enough in compensating other types of mine workers or
family members.

''Anybody who has suffered through exposure to radioactive
uranium should be compensated,'' said Pino.

Lawmakers from south-western states have proposed bills to
amend the act and include people who worked above ground in the
mines and also those who worked in the uranium processing mills.

But new uranium projects using new technology continued to
threaten native communities in the southwestern United States,
said Tsosie. In her town of Crownpoint, New Mexico, Hydro
Resources Inc. planned to leach uranium from the groundwater in
three places in the  Northwestern part of the state.

The underground leach mining process is different from
traditional open-pit mines since it occurs in the groundwater
itself when  chemicals are injected into the aquifer to dissolve
the ore and is then  pumped out.

''How can this not possible threaten our water supply,'' said
Tsosie. ''And many of our sacred sites are near these wells.''

Tsosie and others have brought their case to Washington, where
in hearings before the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, they have
tried to revoke the company's permit to mine in the area and a
ruling was expected next month.

Indigenous groups in other regions of the world, also are
fighting proposed mines on their lands. Australian, aboriginal
leaders are leading a national campaign against one of the world's
largest uranium deposits - known as Jabiluka.

Located on land that is traditionally owned by the Mirrar
indigenous people in the Northern Territory region of the country,
the mine is surrounded by the country's largest national

Famous for its biological diversity, Kakadu Park is has been
designated a World Heritage Site by the United Nations. ''The
environment is part of us, so any damage to the land is  damage to
us,'' said Jacqui Katona, an Australian aboriginal woman, on of
the leaders of the fight against the mine. (END/IPS/dk/mk/99).

Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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