And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

"State Drops Opposition in Oacoma Land Case," The Associated Press State &
Local Wire, 22 June 1999, BC Cycle.

OACOMA, S.D. -- The state has dropped its opposition to the Lower Brule
Sioux Tribe getting trust status for 92 acres of land it owns at Oacoma.  A
letter from Gov. Bill Janklow in which the state supports putting the land
in trust is a surprising turnaround that caught Oacoma residents off guard,
said Alice Hutmacher, president of the Oacoma Town Board. . 

 Janklow agreed to the plan following a handshake agreement with Tribal
Michael Jandreau, promising that the tribe would not put a casino at the
site, said Bob Mercer, the governor's press secretary.  The tribe purchased
the land for $ 80,000 in 1990, but the acquisition has been locked in court
battles since. The tribe applied to put the land into trust, which would
exempt it from local jurisdiction and taxation. . . .  The tribe's
assurance not to build a casino on the site prompted the turnaround, the
governor wrote in the Dec. 15 letter.
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          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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