And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

link provided by Mary..thanks..:)
President's Visit Has Double-Edged Message 

'Tour of the Poor' Has a
                Double-Edged Message 

               President's visits aim to attract aid to depressed areas;
they also help point out that the rest of us have it pretty good

After six and a half years of economic boom times, Bill Clinton is out
visiting what are apparently the last poor people in America -- living in
places like Kentucky’s Appalachia, Mississippi’s Delta, East St. Louis,
Ill., and the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. The President
is feeling their pain, offering tax breaks and shining the presidential
light of publicity on their withered communities. He’s also feeling his
oats. After all, if it takes only four days to visit the people the boom
missed, Clinton must have done a heck of a job until now. "This is an
excellent opportunity for Clinton to do two things at once," says TIME
White House correspondent Jay Branegan. "First, continue to be activist at
this late stage of his term, and second, take the opportunity to remind
everyone how successful his economic policies have been thus far."

Will it now? White House aides were tickled on Tuesday when Bank of America
pledged $600 million in new loans and investments to what Clinton is
calling America’s "new markets." Businesses will get tax credits for
setting up shop in depressed areas, and the administration wants to remind
them that these places are full of eager workers at a time when labor in
America is at a premium (there's that economic boom again). What remains is
the question of training. America’s move away from unskilled labor and
manufacturing to value-added production has been the main reason for the
boom -- and it’s also how these areas got depressed in the first place. Can
lagging regions change their ways and catch up? After all, points out White
House Communications Director Ann Lewis, "when you’re talking about former
coal miners, you’re talking about people who aren’t afraid of hard work."

Reprinted under the fair use
doctrine of international copyright law.
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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