And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

link provided by Mary,..thanks..:)
Governor crosses state, cultural lines with Pine Ridge leaders
by Joe Kafka - The Associated Press

             Governor crosses state, cultural lines
             with Pine Ridge leaders
             BY JOE KAFKA The Associated Press

After visiting the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation Tuesday, Gov. Mike Johanns
announced he would create a state group to resolve problems in the troubled
Nebraska-South Dakota border area.

The reservation is just north of Whiteclay, a Nebraska town of 22 residents
where four stores sell more than 4 million cans of beer each year,
primarily to reservation residents. Alcohol sales are illegal on the

Johanns said the state group, to be formed in about a month, would try to
resolve disputes "so we don't have a flashpoint again." A march from the
reservation to Whiteclay three weeks ago, intended to draw attention to the
unsolved murders of two men on the reservation, ended with the looting of a
Whiteclay grocery store. Another protest the following weekend was peaceful.

The governor's group will include Winnebago Tribal Court Judge Kenneth J.
Vampola, Johanns said in an interview Tuesday evening after returning to
Lincoln. Other members will be western Nebraska elected officials, such as
county commissioners, and people recommended by Oglala Sioux Tribal
President Harold Salway.

Tuesday was Johanns' second meeting with tribal officials but his first
visit to Pine Ridge. About 100 people walked from Pine Ridge, S.D., to meet
Johanns in Whiteclay. He then walked with them about a quarter-mile to a
makeshift tipi and tent camp just inside the South Dakota border.

The governor had expected a meeting with a handful of tribal officials.
Instead, marchers presented him with several demands -- the immediate
closure of the four Whiteclay stores that sell beer, return of Whiteclay to
the reservation, a civil rights office in Sheridan County and an
investigation into alleged civil rights violations.

The governor said he had no power to deal with treaty issues raised by
Indians but said he would put tribal leaders in contact with those who
could help.

"I believe it's always best not to promise what I can't deliver on,"
Johanns said.

Some of those who met with Johanns also said a federal law prohibits
alcohol sales so close to a reservation. Neither Johanns nor U.S. Attorney
Tom Monaghan, who traveled with the governor Tuesday, knew of such a law.

"It's news to me, but I assure you I will go research it," Monaghan said.

Johanns pledged to investigate any reports of illegal alcohol sales in

"I can't act on rumor or innuendo," Johanns said Tuesday evening. He said
he is not asking Indians to investigate liquor violations, but he would
like them to let him know about any violations they see.

The violation tribal representatives complained about most, Monaghan said,
was the sale of alcohol to intoxicated people.

"If that's true, then those (liquor) licenses could be in jeopardy," he said.

Some Indian leaders have suggested one solution to the Whiteclay beer-sales
problem would be for tribes to take back part of northern Nebraska. They
say an 1868 treaty and an 1889 federal act indicate that all pine-covered
ridges in the area are part of the reservation, including those that extend
into northern Nebraska.

"I want to see a document that says this belongs to Nebraska," Chief Oliver
Red Cloud, a traditional Oglala leader, told Johanns. "There's just a
little piece of land here we have a big problem with." Tom Poor Bear, who
has helped organize protests of Whiteclay, told Johanns that alcohol sales
were not the only problem in the small Nebraska town. He said prostitution
by Indian women and alcohol sales to minors troubled Pine Ridge residents, too.

"The money is respected, but we're not," Poor Bear told the governor.
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                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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