And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

The following information has been independently verified....Ish

From: Mike W
>>>> CAMP JUSTICE <<<<
                        For immediate release
                            July 15, 1999

CAMP JUSTICE, Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, South Dakota:

-Once again, the Oglala Lakota have made history.  In an unprecedented move,
representatives from the United States Government, as well as the Governor
of Nebraska, met with the TRADITIONAL people of the Pine Ridge Indian

-On July 13, 1999, United States Attorney Tom Monaghan, Nebraska Governor
Mike Johanns, and other Federal and state official met with the Oglala Lakota
people at CAMP JUSTICE on the South Dakota/Nebraska border.

-Although the Governor had originally agreed to a closed meeting, he was
received at the unincorporated, lawless village of White Clay, NE by over
150 Oglala Lakota people.  While aides feared for his safety, the Governor
agreed to an open forum meeting at the peace camp.

-Representatives for CAMP JUSTICE provided the Federal and state officials
with the following list of demands for justice:

     Demand a full and complete investigation on all human and civil rights
     violations which have occured in Sheridan County, NE since the legalized
     hanging of Lakota people ceased, to the present day murders of Martin
     Bull Bear, Ron Hard Heart, Wally Black Elk, Little John Means, and many

     Immediate closure of all alcohol establisments in White Clay until a
     is issued by the Secretary of the Interior or his representative.  See
     Presidential Executive Order.

     Return of original designated Pine Ridge Agency lands (which includes
     White Clay, NE) as noted in the 1868 Treaty with the U.S. Government.

     Creation of a permanent Civil Rights Office in Sheridan County, NE to
     address human and civil rights violations against indigenous Lakota 

     Immediate removal of Sheridan County Sheriff Terry Robbins for cover-up
     of Deputy Randy Metcalf's criminal activities against indigenous Lakota

     Establish a law requiring data collection on all traffic stops to
     include state, county, and municipal law enforcement to record the race
     of every motorist they stop.  See North Carolina law.

-Importantly, on July 10, 1999, eviction notices were posted on four alcohol
establishments and 1 grocery store in the controversial village of White Clay,
NE.  At the July 13, 1999 meeting with the Governor, the Oglala Lakota 
people informed him that there were 28 days left on the eviction notices and
that it is their intent to enforce those notices if the business owners do not
comply.  The Governor stated that he would meet with his aides to develop task
forces to investigate the issues at hand.  State/Federal representatives have
requested the Oglala Lakota stop their weekly "WALK FOR JUSTICE" to White Clay
until they can set up the task forces.

-The Oglala Lakota people responded by saying they will continue their "WALK
FOR JUSTICE" until justice is served!  They are also calling for an economic
boycott of all Nebraska retailers.  The next march is scheduled for July 17,
1999.  Rally at 10:00 a.m., followed by a peaceful march at 12:00 p.m.

For more information, contact Dale Looks Twice (media coordinator) or Floyd
Hand at (605) 867-5762.

Reprinted under the Fair Use
doctrine of international copyright law.
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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