And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

To  :  Abolitionists Everywhere
From:  Bruce Hall at Peace Action
Date:  July 21, 1999
Re  :  Los Alamos

Dear friends -



FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                   CONTACT:  Bruce Hall at 202.862.9740 extension 
July 21, 1999                                           Peace Action New Mexico - 

Peace Action Announces Major Demonstration
at Scandal-Plagued Los Alamos National Laboratory

Nation's Largest Grassroots Peace Organization
To Protest Resumed Nuclear Warhead Production at the Lab

WASHINGTON, DC - At a time when Los Alamos National Laboratory has been
plagued by scandal, Peace Action announced today its plan to stage a major
nuclear disarmament demonstration at the New Mexico lab on Monday, August 9,
1999 - the 54th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, Japan. Peace
Action mounted the protest as part of a new campaign to halt the resumed
production of nuclear warheads at the lab. The protest and preceeding
conference, drawing activists from across the country and around the world,
will be the largest anti-nuclear event in Los Alamos history.

"Los Alamos is getting back into the nuclear bomb-making business at a time
when the world desperately needs to get back on the path to nuclear
disarmament," said Peace Action's field organizer Bruce Hall. "Peace Action
is bringing a much needed wake-up call to the lab and the government: the
Cold War is over, it is time to abolish nuclear weapons."

The Department of Energy plans to produce up to 80 plutonium pits (the cores
of nuclear warheads) a year at Los Alamos and will field the first - a 475
kiloton warhead for use on the Trident submarine - in 2001. Los Alamos will
produce 20 warheads a year by 2007 and is striving to reach to capability to
produce up to 80 warheads annually by a later date. The U.S. last produced a
nuclear warhead for the arsenal in 1989 at the infamous Rocky Flats Plant in
Colorado. Concerns over environmental contamination and flagrant safety
violations led to the plant's closure.

The annual nuclear weapons budget at Los Alamos has climbed by more than 30%
in the past five years and will reach over $900 million in 2000. Meanwhile,
New Mexico Senator Jeff Bingaman has begun a push to create a new,
multi-million dollar plutonium processing plant at Los Alamos. If completed,
the plant will become the world's newest nuclear weapons facility.

"Despite the U.S. signature on the Comprehensive nuclear Test Ban Treaty,
the weaponeers at Los Alamos continue to hone their ability to design,
develop, and deploy newer, more advanced nuclear weapons, and the taxpayer
is footing a Cold War-sized bill." said Hall. "People from around the
country and the world are coming to Los Alamos this August because the
activities there have implications that reach far beyond New Mexico's

The conference, "Beyond the Bomb: A New Agenda for Peace and Justice", will
take place at the Crowne Plaza Pyramid Hotel in Albuquerque, New Mexico from
Friday, August 6 through Sunday, August 8. During the conference, local
activists and indigenous leaders will discuss the impact of Los Alamos
National Laboratory on the people of New Mexico and explore the ways the
activities at Los Alamos drive the nuclear arms race and threaten the

In addition, survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki will
join activists from the United Kingdom, France, India, Pakistan, and the
South Pacific to discuss the global movement to abolish nuclear weapons.
Mary Wynne-Ashford, co-president of the International Physicians for the
Prevention of Nuclear War will discuss the deteriorating situation in Russia
and the urgent need for immediate progress on nuclear disarmment. Jacqui
Katona, winner of the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize will discuss
her efforts to halt plans for uranium mining on aboriginal land in
Australia. On Monday, August 9th, participants will commemorate the atomic
bombing of Nagasaki, with a rally and civil disobedience at Los Alamos
National Laboratory.


Bruce Hall
Peace Action Field Organizer
202.862.9740 x 3038
Fax: 202.862.9762

Reprinted under the Fair Use
doctrine of international copyright law.
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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