And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 09:37:59 -0400
From: Lynne Moss-Sharman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SHESHATSIU goes 'no alcohol' following suicides
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7/25/99  St. John's Nfld. Evening Telegram

As part of a two-week ban on alcohol in Sheshatshiu implemented late last
week, Innu continue today to search motor vehicles in an effort to prevent
alcoholic beverages and drugs from entering the community. The decision to
ban alcohol was made following the suicides of two young men within six
hours of each other early last week. The suicides are believed to be
alcohol-related.  “It’s going quite well,” RCMP officer Albert Michelin
said of the ban. “Volunteers from the community are checking vehicles for
alcohol as well as drugs. It’s a two-week program and they will assess it
at that time.”   Michelin is a 10-year veteran with the force and he hails
from Sheshatshiu.   He said the RCMP’s only involvement in the ban is to
enforce the provincial Alcoholic Liquors Act which bans transportation of
open bottles of liquor and beer, as well as the Criminal Code of Canada’s
impaired driving provisions. A resident of the area who did not want his
name printed said the people of
Sheshatshiu have had enough of alcohol and the personal problems and
tragedies the abuse of it can cause.  “It’s a pretty rampant problem,” he
said.  Innu have set up a checkpoint on the main road into the community,
while a second road is out of service. Motor vehicles are stopped and their
trunks and interiors are examined
before the vehicles are allowed to proceed.  The observer said there has
been relatively little trouble at the checkpoint. All drivers are
co-operating with the Innu, he said. However, he said anyone who wants
alcohol need only go to nearby Happy Valley- Goose Bay where it is
available.  An earlier attempt by the community to cut off beer supplies
from nearby North West River was successful. In 1992, a store in that town
received a licence to sell beer. But the
Sheshatshiu Band Council persuaded the government of Premier Clyde
Wells to withdraw the licence. No one at the Innu Band Council or the Innu
Nation Office could be contacted for comment Saturday. 

              "Let Us Consider The Human Brain As
               A Very Complex Photographic Plate"
                    1957 G.H. Estabrooks

                   FOR   K A R E N  #01182
                  who died fighting  4/23/99

                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Reprinted under the Fair Use
doctrine of international copyright law.
          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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