And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 11:01:58 EDT
Subject: Fwd: Update 9/3/99

Dear Friends,  Sorry I have been off the air for so long once again.  Leo
and I went out to the Black Hills for a while, then right after we came back
we went to the Sundance at Pipestone, MN, and then I got really sick.  I
have been fighting a cold along with lung congestion since then, but am
starting to feel a lot better now.  Leo and I stop at La Framboise Island for
a few hours on our way to the Black Hills.  We had an opportunity to visit
with some of the people there.  They continue to stay strong in their fight
against the government's attempts to take their land.  We need to send them
all our prayers and support.  We missed the unity riders by just one day but
caught up with them at the Sundance.  They have been back in Mpls for a few
days to rest before they continue their ride, they will be leaving today for
theLower Brule to pick up their horses.    We had about twenty people that
went to court yesterday to get their written complaints.  All the complaints
were signed by the same officer [he must have been a really busy guy, even
though there were hundreds of other officers there that day, he seemed to be
the only one that arrested everyone ] most of the written complaints were
totally inaccurate.  We will have to go back to court again on the 21st of
September at 1:30 PM to plead and then we will get court dates at that time.
Anyone that can attend these court dates for support, we would appreciate
seeing you there.  We are also busy planning the Rally and March for Racial
Justice on September 25th, we will be walking from the northside of highway
55 to the south side of highway 55.  I will let you know more about this
later.  Please plan on attending this if you are able.  Also there is to be
a Light Rail meeting at Roosevelt High School on September 14th at I believe
7 PM, they will taking comments on this issue, again please attend of you
are able.  There is going to be a play produced by the Minnesota American
Indian AIDS Task Force tonight and tomorrow night Sept. 3&4 called " Our
Rights Are Not Just Words" [Marge Anderson] This play examines the
displacement of people covering the recent Supreme Court 1837 Gaming Rights
Treaty decision, Highway 55 Re-Route, and the North Side Projects,  this
play is being held at the Southern Theater, 1420 Washington Ave.. S., Mpls,
7PM, Tickets are $10.00. We hope this play will be recorded and played on
Mpls cable soon.  We still need your support and letters to continued to be
written to Government officials, if you haven't done so already, we need to
let them know that we are not going to give up.  We are still here.  Prayers
and blessings to all of you.  Pidamiya,  Love Linda

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           Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                      Unenh onhwa' Awayaton
            UPDATES: CAMP JUSTICE    

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