And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

From: Sonja Keohane

        Interesting article about  Chronic Wasting Disease (CDW) and The
Montana Dept of Livestock (MDOL)



[Chronic wasting disease is a neurological disorder found in elk and deer
that causes brain damage, results in severe weight loss and eventually is
fatal. It is related to 'mad cow disease' in cattle, scrapies in sheep and
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease in humans.

Both game farm animals and wild deer and elk have been diagnosed with CWD
in the United States, though no case of CWD has been diagnosed in Montana.]
----end of excerpt-----

        It is obvious that the state vet and DOL are trying to see that CWD
does not become a problem in Montana.

        Wild deer and elk migrate across state lines at many seasons of the
year.  Therefore it is entirely probable that there are wild animals in
Montana dying of this disease (CWD).

        I am struck by the contrast to the fairly calm approach that is
taken here by MDOL to the problems of CWD when I compare that to their
fanatical and murderous approach to the YNP bison that migrate into Montana
in the winter months.

        Just as there has never been a case of CWD "diagnosed in Montana"
according to this article, there has *never* been a case of cattle being
infected with brucellosis because of contact with wild Montana
or anywhere else.

        Cold and snow have started to return to the high country and soon
as the YNP bison move, as they have for hundreds of years, north into
Montana and into the crosshairs of the MDOL sharpshooters, the atrocity of
shooting healthy bison from the last free ranging herd in this
country....will begin again. 

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