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<+>=<+>KOLA Newslist<+>=<+>
2000  -50
Why is Leonard Peltier still in jail?

[article provided by Mary Roffers. Thanks!]
Subject: Bering Strait Theory
New York Times
November 9, 1999

New Answers to an Old Question: Who Got Here First?

SANTA FE, N.M. -- For most of the 20th century, the
solution to the mystery of the original Americans -- where
did they come from, when and how? -- seemed as clear as the
geography of the Bering Strait, the climate of the last ice
age and the ubiquity of finely wrought stone hunting weapons
known as Clovis points.

According to the ruling theory, bands of big-game hunters
trekked out of Siberia sometime before 11,500 years ago.
They crossed into Alaska when the floor of the Bering
Strait, drained dry by the accumulation of water in a frozen
world's massive glaciers, was a land bridge between
continents, and found themselves in a trackless continent,
the New World when it was truly new.

The hunters, so the story went, moved south through a
corridor between glaciers and soon flourished on the Great
Plains and in the Southwest of what is now the United
States, their presence widely marked by distinctive stone
projectile points first discovered near the town of Clovis,
N.M. In less than 1,000 years, these Clovis people and their
distinctive stone points made it all the way to the tip of
South America. They were presumably the founding population
of today's American Indians.

Now a growing body of intriguing evidence is telling a much
different story. From Alaska to Brazil and southern Chile,
artifacts and skeletons are forcing archaeologists to
abandon Clovis orthodoxy and come to terms with a more
complex picture of earliest American settlement. People may
have arrived thousands to tens of thousands of years sooner,
in many waves of migration and by a number of routes. Their
ancestry may not have been only Asian. Some of the
migrations may have originated in Australia or Europe.

The Clovis-first paradigm "has become increasingly
improbable," said Dr. Robson Bonnichsen, an archaeologist at
Oregon State University in Corvallis, opening a recent
conference here titled "Clovis and Beyond" at which
archaeologists looked beyond the shards of old theory in
search of new explanations. "Clovis was not the only culture
in America 11,000 years ago," Dr. Bonnichsen said.

Two discoveries -- the remains of a pre-Clovis camp at Monte
Verde in Chile and the skull and bones of the Kennewick Man,
possibly as old as 9,300 years and bearing little physical
resemblance to later American Indians -- are primarily
responsible for the profound shift in thinking. Freed from
the restrictive Clovis model, archaeologists and other
scholars have aired a wide assortment of alternative
explanations for the initial occupation of America.

"Monte Verde puts the peopling of America in a new light,"
said Dr. David J. Meltzer of Southern Methodist University
in Dallas.

Two years ago, Dr. Meltzer was a member of a blue-ribbon
panel of archaeologists, including some resolute skeptics,
who inspected the Monte Verde site, which had been excavated
by Dr. Tom D. Dillehay of the University of Kentucky. The
visitors took a close look at the stone, wood and bone
artifacts, remnants of hide-covered huts and a child's
footprint. These were judged to be clear evidence that
humans had reached southern Chile 12,500 years ago, more
than a millennium before the first signs of Clovis hunters
in North America.

After years of stout resistance from many establishment
archaeologists, the Clovis barrier had finally been
breached. Monte Verde was not only the first confirmed
pre-Clovis site, but it was nowhere near the Bering Strait
and bore little resemblance to the Clovis culture. It
seemed time to examine more seriously other migration

Because the ice-free corridor on the eastern flank of the
Rockies did not open before 13,000 years ago, and does not
appear to have had many plants or animals to feed travelers,
many scholars have revived speculation of coastal migration

Some of the early people may have come from northeast Asia
in hide-covered boats, hugging the southern shore of the
Bering land bridge, putting in from time to time for food
and water. They could have continued down the west coast of
North America long before the glacial corridor was available
to them. They could have traveled great distances in
relatively short periods, conceivably reaching South America
much faster and more easily than by any land routes.
Prehistoric people at least as early as the Australian
colonists some 50,000 years ago had boats capable of
open-sea navigation.

Coastal migration is an attractive idea, archaeologists at
the conference said, because it could explain the existence
of Monte Verde and other possibly pre-Clovis sites in
several places in South America and why their cultures, by
Clovis times, bore few similarities to North American
settlers. Perhaps, Dr. Meltzer said, "there were more,
rather than fewer, migratory pulses to the Americas."

Establishing a coastal migration was once thought to be
hopeless. At the end of the ice age, melting glaciers raised
sea levels and inundated what had been ancient shorelines.
But recent artifact discoveries off British Columbia, in the
Channel Islands off California and along the coast of Peru
have bolstered arguments favoring coastal routes as one
of many migration theories.

"Clovis first and Clovis everywhere was a regional North
American phenomenon, and a late one at that," said Dr. Ruth
Gruhn of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, reflecting a
view long held by a few archaeologists working at South
American sites. "North Americans have been discounting South
American evidence because it did not fit their models."

Monte Verde also inspired researchers in North America to
dig deeper. They have found possibly pre-Clovis remains in
South Carolina and Virginia and are beginning to reinterpret
findings at the Meadowcroft rock shelter, a site near

This was how Dr. Albert Goodyear, a University of South
Carolina archaeologist, discovered likely pre-Clovis traces
at the Topper site near the Savannah River.

"I had stopped a little below the Clovis stratum," Dr.
Goodyear explained. "You don't look for what you don't
believe in. But in light of Monte Verde, I thought, maybe
this might be a place to look for pre-Clovis."

Increasing evidence of early Clovis, and possibly
pre-Clovis, remains in the Eastern United States has raised
eyebrows. Perhaps the hunters who came through the ice-free
corridor went east first, then moved west. An even bolder
idea is attracting debate: perhaps ancestors of the Clovis
hunters arrived not by the Bering land bridge, but from
Europe by boats skirting the ice of the North Atlantic.

Dr. Dennis Stanford of the Smithsonian Institution, a
leading proponent of the possible European connection, cited
as evidence the stylistic similarities between the stone
tools of Clovis and those of the Solutrean culture from
Spain and southwestern France, dated from 20,000 to 16,000
years ago. The idea has drawn little support from most

But if Monte Verde encouraged thinking about multiple
migrations, the discovery of the Kennewick Man, a skeleton
found in 1997 in Washington State and dated between 8,000
and 9,300 years old, raised unsettling questions about the
origins of the first Americans. Were they all from Asia? Are
American Indians actually direct descendants from the first

Early descriptions of the Kennewick skull led to reports
that the man was Caucasoid and possibly European. After a
more careful analysis, the skull appeared to be longer and
narrower than those of modern American Indians. Dr. Joseph
Powell of the University of New Mexico reported last
month that its physical affinities appeared to be closer to
those of South Asians or Polynesians than either Europeans
or American Indians.

At the conference, Dr. Douglas Owsley of the Smithsonian
Institution and Dr. Richard Jantz of the University of
Tennessee at Knoxville reported that close examination of
the craniums of several other skeletons and mummies found in
the Americas produced similar results. The evidence, they
said, suggested that either more than one group of people
migrated into the New World or the settlers underwent
significant physical changes in the time after their
arrival. It is even possible that the first migrants became
extinct, replaced by subsequent groups.

The issue is central to a legal case pitting American
Indians, who claim Kennewick Man as an ancestor and want his
remains turned over to them for reburial, and
anthropologists, who are seeking access to the skeleton for
more detailed studies, including DNA tests of the man's
genetic background.

Another skeleton, of a woman being called Luzia, which was
found in Brazil, has prompted speculation of another origins
scenario. The skeleton, estimated to be possibly 11,500
years old and thus older than any previous human bones in
the Western Hemisphere, appeared to be more Negroid in its
cranial features than Mongoloid.

Dr. Walter Neves of the University of São Paulo said this
suggested that some of the first people in South America
might have originated in Australia, or at least South Asia.
Last month, he said Luzia might have belonged to a nomadic
people who began arriving in the New World as early as
15,000 years ago. They may have come across the Pacific, but
more probably, he said, they were a branch of Southeast
Asians, some of whom settled in Australia as the Aborigines
while others navigated northward along the Asian coast and
then across the Bering Strait.

It may be a long time before the shattered Clovis-first
hypothesis is replaced by a single new paradigm. In the
meantime, some Clovis partisans are not giving up without a

In the current issue of the magazine Scientific American
Discovering Archaeology, Dr. Stuart J. Fiedel of John Milner
Associates in Alexandria, Va., which conducts archaeological
excavations under contract, said that Dr. Dillehay's Monte
Verde report was riddled with errors and omissions that
"raised doubts about the provenience of virtually every"
artifact excavated there. Monte Verde, he concluded, "should
not be construed as conclusive proof of a pre-Clovis human
occupation in South America."

Dr. C. Vance Haynes Jr. of the University of Arizona, one of
the staunchest defenders of the Clovis orthodoxy, said that,
though he had been a member of the panel of experts that
authenticated Monte Verde's pre-Clovis credentials, he now
had serious second thoughts. After further study of the
evidence, he said, "To my surprise, I found these data to be
inadequate and therefore unconvincing."

The attack on Monte Verde, published just before the
conference here, raised cries of foul. Many archaeologists
complained that Dr. Fiedel's review was biased and ignored
material that did not support his critical thesis. They
deplored his tactic of airing his critique in a popular
magazine rather than a peer-reviewed journal.

In a defense of Monte Verde, also published in the magazine,
Dr. Dillehay acknowledged that some errors had crept into
the 1,300-page report and would be corrected, but none of
them undercut an interpretation of the place where
pre-Clovis hunter-gatherers camped 12,500 years ago. At the
conference, he called Dr. Fiedel's review "ungrounded
accusations" and one more example of North American
archaeologists' dismissal of South American sites because
they lacked the familiar Clovis stone-tool technology.

"The half-century-long emphasis on Clovis projectile points
and related durable lithic artifacts," argued Dr. James M.
Adovasio of Mercyhurst College in Erie, Pa., who excavated
the long-disputed Meadowcroft site and thus sees himself as
another victim of Clovis chauvinism, "has actually served to
mask rather than elucidate the nature of late ice age
adaptations in the New World."

Warming to the attack, Dr. Adovasio charged that evidence of
"soft technologies" such as cordage, netting and basketry
was seldom given its due at many early American sites. The
result, he said, was a failure to appreciate fully the way
of life of the first American colonizers.

"Nets suggest a subsistence strategy carried out by both
sexes and all age groups in stark contrast to the
traditional model based on highly mobile groups of
spear-wielding, mammoth-killing macho men," Dr. Adovasio
said to another round of hearty applause.

The loss of a paradigm has thus plunged American archaeology
into a new period of tumult and uncertainty over its oldest
mystery, one critical to understanding how modern humans
spread out through the world. For their entry into America
was the last time in history when people occupied an
entirely new land, alone and with little more than their own
ingenuity and an eye on far horizons.

"We're going to have to open our minds," Dr. Michael B.
Collins of the University of Texas said at the conference.
"We're going to have to explore some ideas that may not get
us very far. We're going to have to be tolerant of each
other as we explore these ideas. My God, this is an exciting
time to be involved in research in the peopling of America
and the earliest cultures of the Americas."


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