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Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 20:44:22 EST
Subject: Fwd: pdate 11/29/99

Dear Friends,  Saturday some of the Sundancers and other supporters went to
Pipestone, Mn to meet with Harry Charger the Sundance Chief.  They prayed
together in the Sweat Lodge.  Harry was told by the spirits that it is time
to start Ceremonies at the Four Sacred Trees. Other Elders have told us this
also, and so we will do as they have asked.  We will start the Ceremonies at
4:00 PM on Thursday December 2nd, and we will hold pipe ceremonies Friday,
Saturday, and Sunday at dusk.  We invite any of you that can be there with
us to join us, or pray with us at those times.  Your prayers and support has
always been very powerful and has meant so much to us. We have not given up
ours prayers that the trees will be spared and we will continue to pray to
the Creator for this, but we also know that this is the Creator's decision,
not ours, we have done all that we can. We have reached out to the whole
world and they have responded with support and prayers.  The rest of the
world knows what this place is. It will always be Sacred to the Dakota no
matter what the State Government does to try and destroy it. We will
continue our struggle to protect the Sacred Spring from damage or
destruction for as long as it takes.   Pidamiya,  Love Linda

Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
           Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)

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