[don't remember most of this one from earlier in the night] we were in the basement, a 
walk out basement which attached to a garage.  Gathering rope and twine to fasten 
things down.  I had gone out to my car to get my purse when a  huge wave came and went 
over the house covering it and receded...looking out I could see a police car 
smattered with mud coming along the road on the water's edge sliding in the wetness 
left by the wave..he turned the corner out of sight and another wave came...

there were a lot of people at some house on the edge of the water..a man came in 
carrying a bundle wrapped in cloth and said he had gotten an owl.  He began to unwrap 
the owl and I could see the feathers and then the cloth moved and the owl stood and 
looked at me.  At first I moved back knowing what that beak could do, and thought to 
warn others to be careful..but when the owl and I looked at each other I began to talk 
to the owl thinking refuge safety (and wondering how I could get her out of there as 
she didn't seem injured, the man said he had found her injured and a deer was chewing 
her eyes, an obvious falsehood).  She staggered a few steps toward me, her feathers 
changing from mostly brown to all shades of colors, and slumping forward fell with her 
head in my lap.  The man who brought her in laid her out on the cloth and producing a 
scalpel started to cut lengthwise in her chest..I said stop..stop she isn't dead 
(could see her breathing)..I got up off the couch and walke!
d ov
er and could see he had already cut off her head, her body laying there headless and 
the head propped against the end of the couch.  I said very upset...did you even ask? 
or give thanks?  or offer tobacco and pulling out a cigarette broke it open and 
gathered tobacco in my hand (the man asked what the hell I was doing) I said offering 
tobacco and sprinkled it on her breast, turned away and walked toward the window upset 
and looking outwardly toward the sky   and inwardly toward Grandfather could see the 
sun rising and "knew" He was aware of all of it  turning back I could see the head 
against the couch the eyes on the head fluttered open...and the corpse had grown a new 
head and the eyes opened..both sets of eyes were blinking at me.  The bodiless owl 
head was placed on top of a clear glass jar and fed a bottle.  someone lifted the 
bottle into another cage like area where there was a row of other bird heads likewise 
sitting on bottles.  The bottoms of the bottles were half fil!
with a white milky substance.
was following a man with short black hair and dark eyes, we had been speaking  ..we 
passed a couple who were not native and his words changed to a language I didn't 
understand without missing a beat..  The man at first smiled like it was an insider 
thing between the two of us, but then he didn't acknowledge the language shift at I wondered if I had read what he was doing accurately.  He kept speaking and I 
thought he was doing that in order to make it seem to the other person we had been 
conversing in the other language and I nodded my head and grinned, then was puzzled 
because I felt it was a language I could understand.  And wondered if we had been 
speaking the other and I just no longer understood it.
I have been reading a lot on the NG (news groups, like alt.native) about the Anna Mae 
- Leonard Peltier controversy.  There have been a lot of accusations and counter 
accusations as to who was responsible for her death or ordered it, or knew about it.  
Rapid City Grand jury just took testimony from Russell behind closed doors on Anna 
Mae's death last week.  Bought an old book published in 1982 by Rex Wehler called 
"Blood of the Land, The Government and Corporate War Against the American Indian 
Movement".  It concerns the events from Alcatraz forward to Camp Yellow Thunder 
occupation and reads like the current situation in SD and Pine Ridge/Black Hills. 
(even to the Gold Stake Mining Company involvement, a federal register doc from this 
past Aug shows a settlement at that time which gave the Cheyenne River tribe 400 acres 
of land without mining tailings in exchange for water rights in the Black Hills to 
SD..  SD rip off of resources...again  One of the attorneys working on this!
e on behalf of the traditional leaders (not the BIA bunch) was jailed on old charges 
in July..there have been several deaths unexplained/uninvestigated in the past 18 mos 
in the area..etc.  same old story all over again.
At the same time, the FN list has discovered a rip off fraudulent role playing site 
called  one of the "communities" is a Native American 
village called Machu Piccu...when one joins this site one chooses a family 
name..choices include Sequoia, Morning  Star, Crazy Horse, the (PeaceMaker) 
Degan--etc.  A bunch of fake Indians playing at being Indian who just know "real" 
Indians wouldn't be so hateful as to object.  I literally freaked when I came across 
the PeaceMaker's name as a choice..was furious and cried. this rip off of names really 

So this is what has been in my mind and on my mind for a couple of weeks -  all the 

To me, the owl is whole with her shining feathers that became almost iridescent as she 
slumped forward into my lap.  The owl is to me a message who does not 
give quarter is fierce, like her beak that rips to the heart of things. The person who 
brought her in wrapped in a bundle did not know this owl had life and saw her only for 
her pelt and her value to him.  When he tried to divide her and cut her open to get 
the pelt she remained/became whole by growing (being given wholeness again) a new 
head.  Maybe he thought the head was the owl he brought in and not the whole owl that 
was restored.  So, he nurtured only the part he recognized and fed it with milk 
placing it on a jar (that looked like a specimen bottle of clear glass)...The owl 
literally had no body, only this jar and the jar was half filled with what he/they 
were feeding it..white milky stuff.  Not life, not from the breast of the earth, but 
white lies in bottles.  Because the restored body and head was to!
y ignored like it didn't exist by anyone in the room.. she just slipped away while 
they were busy feeding the other heads on bottles in straight little rows.  A "talking 
head" collection, getting all the attention while Truth slipped out the door.

To me, this is more like a response to "what is the truth in all the controversy of 
the past couple of weeks of puzzles and ripoffs"
And..more personally..a warning not to become a "talking head" of the artificial white 
food that doesn't nourish...but to know where Truth comes from and that it isn't a 
part of the system...the system just thinks it is.

The man (in my opinion) lied about the deer.  It was said as a justification for 
taking the owl, because after all it was injured, what else could he do?  
Misappropriation of an owl...of family names, of identity...and a careful feeding of 
what was not the current exchanges as regards Anna 

From: "W"

Lakota elders went public, all right, you've seen their statement, their 
Why haven't those queried answered yet?
Who are they protecting?  It's a good bet it ain't Russ Means.
Russ would not have earned these decades of silence from the "leaders"

From: "Alex Roslin" 
Subject: anna mae
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 12:43:58 -0500
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Priority: 3

Dear Ishgooda: Here's the response I mentioned. I'll also send it as an
attachment.[deleted] -Alex Roslin

Nov. 30, 1999

Before I comment on the recent debate regarding the death of Anna Mae
Aquash, which has been unfolding on your website and elsewhere, let me
introduce myself. My name is Michael Ryan. I've been active in various ways
in support of Native resistance movements since my first encounter with AIM
activists in 1983. For several years I coordinated the Montreal component
of work done by the Canadian Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, a task I
gave up when the Crazy Horse Spirit, Leonard's defense rag, printed an
article by David Bradley, then a Bellecourt associate, accusing Ward
Churchill of being a police agent ­ CIA in that case, as Ward was
supporting the indigenous armed resistance in Nicaragua at the time, and
the Bellecourts were supporting the Sandinistas. In fact, the first time I
began to hear accusations that Ward was a cop arose in this regard.

The Bellecourts and their supporters subsequently attempted throughout the
late 80s and early 90s to have Ward denounced as a white man masquerading
as an Indian to do his cop work and get a prestigious university position.
That line of attack only ended when Ward produced a status card proving
that he was an enrolled Keetoowah Cherokee.

Since the debate surrounding the death of Anna Mae Aquash reentered the
public domain some weeks back, Vernon Bellecourt has said that he has
always known that Ward is an agent who has infiltrated AIM. In effect, that
amounts to accusing Ward of being an FBI agent, because it is, after all,
the FBI which infiltrated AIM as part of its COINTELPRO programme.

Now enter David Seals who claims Ward is a former Rapid City policeman and
"Disinformation Specialist" with Army Intelligence, and he repeats the
white man accusation. Check out Seals' personal history some day; it's
fascinating. Ask him about the good old days and the Video Warriors and
like that.

So let's see who's been paying attention:

For 10 points Ward Churchill is:
a)      a CIA agent
b)      an FBI agent
c)      a former Rapid City policeman
d)      an Army Intelligence agent
e)      a white man masquerading as an Indian for fun and profit
f)      all of the above

Really, doesn't this have all the classic markings of a smear campaign.

Let me be perfectly up front here. Ward is someone with whom I have a
professional, political and personal relationship. I've contributed to
books and magazines that he has edited or co-edited. I know Ward's not a

Not that Ward has been the lone recipient of this accusation; he's just
received the greatest variation of attacks. Both Bellecourts have been
accused of being police agents by Ward and Russ, and in the case of Clyde a
dope fiend as well, within the context of this debate and elsewhere.
Pictou-Branscombe has, I've been told, been accused of being an FBI
operative by no lesser a personage than Leonard Peltier himself. I've
certainly heard the same accusation in the past about David Seals. I've
noticed that while Bellecourt hinted darkly that something isn't quite
right about Means, Seals is the first to come right out and claim that
Means is an FBI agent.

When this self-same debate raised its ugly head back in 1994, Bobby
Catillo, on-again off-again spokesperson for Leonard Peltier, suggested
everyone just back off. He was right then and he's right now. I mean, does
anyone think the route to the truth and justice for Anna Mae lies in the
latest round of AIM members accusing and counter-accusing each other of
police activity. Let's face; you can't get there from here.

Oh, by the way, how many police agents does it take to screw in a light

Now I'm gonna get back to doing something productive, which this debate


Michael Ryan

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