Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 15:41:48 -0800
From: "Andre P. Cramblit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: California Indian Education Association
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;


Andre Announces:

Congratulations or condolences we'll see which is more appropriate after this next year.

New California Indian Education Association (CIEA) Officers:

André Cramblit is President (Karuk Tribe-Arcata, CA)
Jane Holzman is Secretary (Pala Tribe-Sacramento, CA)
Ruby Vargas is Treasurer (Wukchumni Tribe-Selma, CA)
Cindy LaMarr is Northern VP (Pit River/Paiute Tribe-Sacramento, CA)
Clyde Hodge is Central VP (Creek-Stockton, CA)
Randy Sevedge is Southern VP (Choctaw Tribe-Santa Maria, CA)

The new officers dont take over until January 1, 2000.

CIEA needs to become an umbrella organization that gives voice to interests in Johnson O'Malley, Title IX, Tribal Education Departments, Higher Ed, Language, Indian Ed Centers, MSTAR/MESA, and whatever other components are out there.

I would like to see accomplished in the first year:

1) A plan be developed to give CIEA a focus for the next 5 years.

2) Membership increased to over 500 (call Ruby at 209/896-2936 for a membership application dues are still only $10.00).

3) CIEA become a co-sponsor of the Statewide Indian Education Conference.

4) Newsletter be published at least once a quarter with articles from each one of the educational components listed above.

5) An annual legislative agenda developed so that we are resources to our political leaders and also an effective spokes group for quality American Indian Education.

Those are some preliminary ideas-anyone care to add more or volunteer to help out?

Thanks to Vivian Hailstone & Laura Lee George who both nominated me.  You can save this email to see what was accomplished off this list by next year at this time.

André Cramblit, Operations Director

The Northern California Indian Development Council ( ) NCIDC is a non-profit organization that helps meet the social, educational, and economic development needs of American Indian communities. NCIDC operates a fine art gallery and gift boutique featuring the best of American Indian Artist's and their work, with emphasis placed on the work of the Tribes of N.W. California. (

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