Indians not treated equally, civil rights committee told
BY JOE KAFKA The Associated Press  -- PHOTO
RAPID CITY, S.D. -- Indians are not treated fairly by law officers, 
prosecutors and courts in South Dakota, the state Advisory Committee to the 
U.S. Civil Rights Commission was told Monday.

However, law officers and prosecutors insisted they do not discriminate 
against Indians and have been diligent in investigating unsolved Indian 

Despite those assurances, the head of the Civil Rights Commission accused the 
U.S. attorney and a top FBI official of being insensitive to Indians' 
pervasive feelings of racism. Mary Frances Berry said she was disappointed in 
the testimony of Ted McBride, U.S. attorney, and Chip Burrus Jr., assistant 
special agent in charge of the FBI, Minneapolis.

"I've never heard such unawareness of how people distrust you, people you're 
supposed to be serving," Berry said. "Everything isn't fine and dandy." 
McBride had just told the panel that his office is restricted by federal 
rules in what it can reveal about criminal investigations. And Burrus had 
said the FBI has gone to great lengths to solve the murders of two Oglala 
Sioux Tribe members near Whiteclay, Neb., at the edge of the Pine Ridge 
Indian Reservation. <SNIP>  (entire article at above Link.)

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           Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)

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