It isn't a dummy server, it's needed.  The current example-config.tcl
is wrong in a number of respects, for example this comment:

# Server-level configuration
#  There is only one server in naviserver, but this is helpful when multiple
#  servers share the same configuration file.  This file assumes that only
#  one server is in use so it is set at the top in the "server" Tcl variable.
#  Other host-specific values are set up above as Tcl variables, too.

There isn't only one server!  All Tcl commands and procs *have* to run
in the context of a virtual server, even if there's only one.

I can put it in other words: there is always virtual server in NaviServer, if not defined in config file, internal server "default" is used instead. It is impossible to run nsd without virtual server, so instead of exiting with error internal server is used.

I am not insisting on doing it the way i did but it seemed to me very logical and not breaking overall NS architecture or model.

But of course, suggestions are welcome, this is development version under discussion.

Yes, you can have global modules.  But not if they register Tcl
commands!  Which virtual server context do they run with?

I guess you could write a module such that when it's loaded globally,
it roots around for all virtual servers and adds it's Tcl commands to
each. But they don't do that...

The idea of creating a default virtual server magically hides this
important distinction, which makes it harder over all for people to
understand what's going on.

This part actuall out of sync with overall NS model and logic, the only module that does it is nssock and it was made so for enabling host based virtual server support. I think this is ill and needs to be removed or re-build, if we always have virtual server, its nssock can do host mapping, no need to load it globally and global modules should be eliminated.

Vlad Seryakov
571 262-8608 office

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