Part if the problem is that OpenSSL, when configured with the default prefix (/usr/local/) installs its libraries on some platforms into /usr/local/lib64 and not into /usr/local/lib.
On these platforms we might have a problem when configuring with


I have just now improved the heuristics in the .m4 file (tip version on bitbucket), but i am not completely happy with this, since this potentially hardcodes some Linux conventions. i have to do more cross-platform checks on this before the release.

So far everything seems to work, we only get one warning from the linker:

/usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/8/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/, may conflict with

This comes, when some files are compiles with different linkage options, usually after continuing with different library settings after an unsuccessful compilation attempt.
Normally, a "make clean" + "make" helps.

When using the fresh version form bitbucket, run an " ..." first.


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