Since c. 2022-04-10, code at line 614 of nsd/nsmain.c calls Ns_Fatal()
with message like this:

  OpenSSL system configuration mismatch.
  The provided locale *****1 based on the system-wide default locale is not 
installed on this system.

With latest Naviserver code on Windows 10, I was getting that error
every time I tried to start Naviserver.  In my string "locale *****1"
above, the "*" symbols were actually weird rectangles, completely
illegible.  The only readable part was the "1" at the end.

I set a System environment variable LC_COLLATE = en_US.UTF-8, and that
fixed it, now Naviserver actually starts!  I'm confused about why that
was necessary, but so far it seems to work.

Andrew Piskorski <>

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